It’s been a while since season two of the hit anime series “Attack On Titan” ended after returning from a four-year hiatus. For some of the more avid fans, the second installment of the show fell short on the number of episodes where it was halved from season one’s 24 episode lineup. Though the series was cut short, Wit Studio made sure that what they lacked in numbers, they made up for in quality, resulting in compact and full action episodes. According to Comic Book, even though patience is the name of the game for “AoT,” the show makers already announced that the show will return in 2018.
The only question that remains, is how many episodes will season 3 have?
12 or 24 episodes?
The announcement that the second season was to be cut short, hit the fans hard, but the folks behind the anime made the enthusiasts' time worthwhile by producing outstanding episodes. Furthermore, Wit Studio promised that there would be more soon and fans will not have to wait for a long time for the next season. We all know that season 2 ended with a cliff-hanger teaser. The people behind the anime are working hard, so we can rest assured that the studio’s promise will not be broken.
Fans were astounded to learn that they had waited for four years for a mere 12-episode season, but production team of the anime seemed to plan it deliberately.
The 24 episodes of the season were essential to build the foundation of the “AoT” world and introduce the large and elaborate setting of the series thoroughly. As for the season 2, the studio held back purposely because aside from the adapted story arc’s brief set up, there was no telling how the fans would react to the show’s return.
Longer than the last
The comeback news of “Attack on Titan” started a ripple and the fan hype started going through the roof. Now that the series has established a solid fanbase, the studio can go all out in the third season with all the show maker’s resources pouring into season 3. They won't be sidetracked by other titles.
Furthermore, we can safely assume that season 3 will cover a lot of ground because they will now adopt the “Uprising Arc” of the manga that needs lots of effort to pull through. At the moment, there is no definite number of episodes for the third season, but it is absolutely more than the second installment.
All in all, we can expect more from Wit Studio when it comes to “Attack on Titan, ” but we can’t say for certain because credible information is hard to obtain at this stage. The show makers are yet to release more exact details regarding season 3 like the exact release date. This means that there is no telling if the series will actually return early next year or at a later date. Once the DVD and Blu-ray versions of the second installment are underway, we will have answers to all our questions. For now, keep tuned in for more “Attack on Titan” updates.