While the much-awaited fifth season of the popular series, titled “The Originals” is still far away from its official 2018 premiere, a lot of rumors and spoilers about the show’s story and cast members have already flooded the internet.

(Spoiler Alert! Please proceed with caution as the post might contain some interesting “The Originals” season 5 spoilers)

Hailey to die in ‘The Originals’ season 5!

According to a report coming from TVGuide, one of the show’s producers recently uploaded a picture of a storyboard with some plot details on Instagram.

When fans zoomed into the picture to read the notes, they found that it had the words “Klause learns Hayley died.” The sentence was written in big block letters on top of the list that was titled “what we owe the audience.” In the show, Phoebe J. Tonkin portrays the role of Hayley, who has been an important part of the series since the beginning of the show. The storyboard also revealed that Keelin (Christina Moses), who is Freya's (Riley Voelkel) girlfriend, will be pregnant in the upcoming season.

It remains unconfirmed whether Hayley will actually die in the final season. But the fact that the picture was actually taken inside the show’s writers room is something that is seriously bothering fans.

The picture in question also shows Marguerite MacIntyre, who is one of the producers of “The Originals.” This also adds to the fact that the picture could be a legit one. Although the photo was deleted from Instagram, fans had taken screen shots and posted it on Twitter. You can check it down below.

Death is not the end of a character

We have already seen in many popular television shows that death is not necessarily the end for a show’s character.

In fact, Davina (Danielle Campbell) was killed off toward the end of “The Originals” Season 3. However, she come back to life in the show in season 4 to help Josh (Steven Krueger) and Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood), so fans should get disheartened, at least not for now. It’s best to take the spoilers with a pinch of salt.

“The Originals” Season 4 showed that Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) and Elijah (Daniel Gillies) gave up their love for each other to save Hope (Danielle Rose Russell). Showrunner Julie Plec revealed during the Comic-Con 2017 event that fans will see Hayley getting involved with another man named Declan in the upcoming season. The relationship between the two will fall under the "friends with benefits" category.

Keep checking back here for more new “The Originals” Season 5 spoilers and updates.