“The Twilight Saga” film series is based on the novels by American author Stephenie Meyer, which starred Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart as the lead characters. Its first installment originally premiered in November 2008 that gave prominence to both of the lead actors, who later on shared a romantic relationship. However, they broke up following K-Stew’s alleged romance with her “Snow White and the Huntsman” director Rupert Sanders. After their split, the actress has been in different relationships with her fellow women in the likes of Alicia Cargile, Stella Maxwell among others.
Recently, the author’s new supernatural TV project already has fans buzzing about R-Patz and K-Stew being the two great candidates for the lead roles.
Will K-Stew and R-Patz reunite in Meyer’s new TV project?
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart both earned an overwhelming fan base when they starred in “The Twilight Saga” film series. Despite having different and separate lives, the two stars are still surrounded by controversy about their past relationship. To this date, fans can’t still get enough of the former couple and hope to see them on TV again following their shaky breakup in 2012. Now that Stephenie Meyer is set to executive produce the new TV show titled “The Rook,” fans are quick to speculate that R-Patz and K-Stew can make a good duo for the lead characters.
The former couple might be busy these days, but as Hollywood Life points out, nothing is impossible in Hollywood.
The story of the new TV show fits the former couple
“The Rook” is a supernatural TV show that will be aired on Starz, which for on a 2012 novel by Australian author Daniel O’Malley with a sequel released in 2016 titled “Stiletto.” When it comes to supernatural shows with Meyer’s involvement, fans always think about Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
After all, these two stars share great chemistry together on screen, which makes them a good couple on TV. Let’s not just talk about their relationship at this time though.
The new TV show that can star Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart follows the story of Myfanwy Thomas, a young woman who wakes up surrounded by corpses in a park in London.
What’s more interesting is that she doesn’t remember how she got in that place. However, she eventually learned that she’s a Rook – an elite operative in a secret agency, which protects everyone from any supernatural terrors. Apparently, the girl is also in danger and has to protect herself as well from any threats.
Are you also thrilled with the idea of “The Twilight Saga” stars to possibly land lead roles in “The Rook”? Share me your thoughts in the comments section below!