The Duggar family of "19 Kids and Counting" and "Counting On" have been notoriously right-wing in their religious thoughts and beliefs. It is to the point that the disgraced eldest son, Josh Duggar, served on committees that advocated against homosexuality and allowing gay members into their church. It would come as no surprise to anyone that the Duggars themselves are not supportive of the LGBTQ movement, and may even support President Trump's recent ban on transgender people in the military. However, one Duggar family member recently tweeted in support of LGBTQ rights, which has fans reeling and wondering if he's hiding liberal beliefs.
Derick Dillard tweets in support of gay rights
Derick Dillard, the husband of Jill Duggar, recently tweeted in support of gay rights, though not completely. The star of TLC's "Counting On" liked a tweet by United Nations spokesman, Richard Grenell, which stated, "No one should be fired for being gay. And no one should be fired for being a Christian. We should be able to work through these issues." Fans of the Duggars and their subsequent shows were shocked that Derick would show any kind of support to the gay community, especially given whom he is currently married to and the issues his brother-in-law, Josh, advocates for. Most people thought he would not be the one to offer a retweet for something like this because it would go directly against his long-held religious beliefs that state that homosexuality is a sin and abomination.
Ben Seewald and Jeremy Vuolo may also be secretly liberal
It has been rumored that Jessa Duggar's husband, Ben Seewald, is also a lot more liberal than his father-in-law, Jim Bob Duggar. It has been stated that the pair has feuded over several tenants of Christian philosophy, with Ben taking a much more liberal view than the family patriarch, which has led to discord between the pair.
It is unknown how this affects his relationship with Jessa and whether or not Jim Bob approves of their marriage now that he is aware that Ben's Christian philosophy differs from his own.
Jinger Duggar, though never having spoken out about LGBTQ rights, is getting a little looser now that she's married to her husband Jeremy Vuolo.
She has been spotted in pants and sleeves tops, two things that were considered immodest when she was growing up, but that her husband approves of and allows her to wear. The pair also seems to be more liberal than the Duggar fold in that they have been married almost a year and still have not conceived.