“Spiderman: Homecoming” is one of those superhero movies some people may have shrugged off during the production and promotional stage. After a formidable cast consisting of talented 20-something lead stars and seasoned actors Michael Keaton and Robert Downey Jr. were shown in the official trailer, movie fanatics were hooked.

As a Zendaya follower quipped on Instagram, “I had doubts but slowly changing my mind.” The remark came alongside numerous other comments of fans stating that they could not wait to see the latest flick.

One fan said she had been “waiting forever.”

Spiderman: Homecoming's formidable cast

Tom Holland and some of the other principal characters -- including Downey as Iron Man and Marissa Tomei (who plays Aunt May) get to reprise their roles from “Captain America: Civil War.” That, in itself, has ignited much attention.

The producers and writers of the latest flick certainly had something to learn from the dismal performance in the box-office of the previous flick “The Amazing Spider-Man 2.” They ensured that moviegoer fatigue would not set in.

Not only does Holland intrigue with his new take on the wisecracking character as he goes to great lengths to prove he is worthy of being part of the Avengers, “Spiderman: Homecoming” deviates from the origins story to engage audiences.

In effect, the new movie highlights the “coming-of-age story” of the hero.

New acting sensations make the superhero jump

Scenes are depicting Peter Parker’s struggles as he faces the challenges before him. Sultry Disney star Zendaya makes a massive debut in the latest flick, while Jacob Batalon – an actor of Filipino descent – convincingly tackles the role of Peter Parker’s best friend, Ned Leeds.

The makers of the movie wisely clearly saw they need not waste screen time showing movie buffs what they – and their younger generation – already knew. They focused, instead, on what Spidey could still bring to the table while striking a brotherly relationship and sparring with a popular superhero mentor – no less than Tony Stark/Iron Man.

Finally bringing Spiderman into the Marvel cinematic universe has been “pretty exciting,” producers Amy Pascal and Kevin Feige said. Director Jon Watts intoned that it opened the doors to so many kinds of stories. For his part, Holland expressed that Tobey Maguire’s portrayal of Spiderman had an enormous impact on him during his younger years and he wanted to be a great role model as well to the younger generation through his big acting vehicle, “Spiderman: Homecoming.”