"Wonder Woman" has undeniably grabbed the attention of many worldwide, breaking records as the highest-grossing film featuring a female director. According to Variety, it set a new record yesterday when its earnings reached the $600 million mark, a title held by the film "Mama Mia!" In the United States alone it has become the third highest-grossing film of the year with $289.2 million, right behind "Beauty and the Beast" from director Bill Condon, which earned $503.5 million, and "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" from director James Gunn, which earned $376.7 million.

"Wonder Woman"'s charm and strength has not only beguiled moviegoers, but also other artists as well. In fact, Thirty Seconds To Mars frontman and DCEU actor Jared Leto is also a fan, as he admitted to ET that he watched the film with his bandmates.

Jared Leto has nothing but praises for 'Wonder Woman'

Thirty Seconds to Mars frontman Jared Leto admitted to ET that he used to watch "Wonder Woman" as a child, and that the new movie was something he "enjoyed." He said, "I loved it. I thought it was incredible. They did such a good job." The film had come out while Leto and his band were on tour, but that didn't stop them from hitting the theater and catching the film. He shared, "We rented out a theater and brought the whole crew.

It was really fun. All of us enjoyed it."

Singer and actor praises Gal Gadot

Last week, the Thirty Seconds to Mars frontman Jared Leto took to Instagram to share a photo of himself and his band and crew after watching "Wonder Woman." All of them crossed their arms Wonder Woman-style for the snap, and the artist captioned the photo, "Took the entire @30secondstomars CREW to #WONDERWOMAN last night!!!

Loved the movie. Loved the actors. Loved everything about it." He added that the film's star Gal Gadot was "perfect" and congratulated the entire Warner Bros. team, which he is also a part of thanks to his role as the Joker in last year's "Suicide Squad."

New Thirty Seconds to Mars record is 'coming soon'

In other Thirty Seconds to Mars news, Jared Leto recently announced that a fifth studio album is coming soon.

Just last week, the frontman took to Twitter to share a short clip of the announcement, without sharing a release date or title details. However, Billboard reported that the band tweeted a phrase that read "YES THIS IS A CULT," which could be the new record's title. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.