Demi Lovato regrets having started working as a child. The pop star gave an interview to Susanne Daniels on Youtube and spoke about how difficult it is to be famous at a young age. If she could go back in time, she would definitely have waited more years to start working in Hollywood.
Demi is 24 year old and started working when she was just 8-years-old. Now that she has 16 years in show business, the singer thinks that none of this is positive since it is very difficult to mature when you are famous.
When she was a child, adults shaped her personality, but when she grew up, she said she felt alone.
The harmful consequences of fame
Demi grew up under the pressure of being always successful, which was very harmful to her physical and mental health. She suffered from bulimia and anorexia because she felt she had to be skinny to be accepted by others. Then she began to try drugs, using cocaine every thirty minutes. She also suffered alcoholism, until one day she decided to heal her body, her mind, and her spirit. At age 18, she entered a rehabilitation clinic to end her depression, eating disorders, and addiction problems.
Currently the singer has been sober for five years, which is the biggest achievement of her life.
Demi Lovato's new life
Demi feels that the day she was sober for the first time was the day of the beginning of a new life. She decided to tell her experience to her followers and they thanked her for her honesty and courage. The artist is very happy because her recovery was the inspiration for many teens who have the same problems she had.
The pop star not only remains sober, but also changed her lifestyle. She trains hard every day, eats healthy and meditates to maintain the balance between body, mind and spirit. A few years ago, she planned to get married and have children before turning 30, but now she prefers to focus on her artistic career.
Demi Lovato is not the only artist who had problems to face fame being very young. Selena Gomez, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan also had problems of depression, anxiety, drug addiction, alcoholism, and eating disorders due that she relates to her celebrity status. Many children dream of being famous when they are adults. The problem is when they get fame, they do not know how to deal with the harassment of the press, since nobody prepared them for that. The Celebrities make the wrong decisions that often damage their health — they pay a very high price for their fame.