"The Originals" season 4, Episode 10 is titled "Phantomesque." After the devastating events of the last installment of "The Vampire Diaries" spinoff, what can fans expect when the show returns? According to the synopsis and promo clip from The CW network, Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) and Freya (Riley Voelkel) will go on a mission to save Elijah Mikaelson (Daniel Gillies.)

Elijah Mikaelson's fate in 'The Originals'

On the last episode of "The Originals," The Hollow killed Elijah Mikaelson. However, Freya acted quickly and put his soul inside of a pendant.

Will he ever be seen alive again or is the end for the character?

Is Daniel Gillies returning to the show?

In an interview with "TV Line," Daniel Gillies assured fans that Elijah is still a part of The CW series. He also reminded viewers that this is not the first time that Elijah has died. It probably won't be the last time, either. The actor shared that when someone is about to get killed off, executive producers Michael Narducci or Julie Plec will walk down the hallway to deliver the news. So far, that has not happened with Gillies.

Synopsis for 'Phantomesque'

"The Originals" season 4, episode 10 is directed by Gillies. The synopsis from "Spoiler TV" reveals that Freya will recruit Hayley to undergo a dangerous mission.

The promo clip released by The CW network reveals Hayley walking down a hallway. She comes across a red door and when she opens it, she finds Elijah Mikaelson. However, he doesn't even appear to see her. As Hayley mentions in the promo clip, Elijah is stuck in a memory. Since he is over 1,000 years old, he could be in any one of those memories.

So, finding him and reeling him back in won't be easy.

Will The Hollow be defeated in season 4, episode 10?

It doesn't appear that the characters will be able to deal with The Hollow in the next episode. However, the synopsis for episode 11 reveals that there might be a way to conquer the villain. It states that Freya finds out that the evil entity is getting her power from a magical totem.

If they can find and destroy the totem, then it will cut off The Hollow's power supply. The question is, can they do it and save Elijah or is it already too late?

What do you think is going to happen with Elijah Mikaelson in "The Originals" season 4, episode 10? Can Hayley and Freya save Daniel Gillies' character or has The Hollow already won? Find out on June 2 when "Phantomesque" airs on The CW network.