Six years. Six long years. That’s the staggering amount of time that will pass between “The 100” season 4 finale and its next premiere, providing viewers with an endless litany of questions and a fresh look at their surviving heroes.
The real question, however, is whether or not The CW drama will take a look at what happened during the time jump. In short, the answer is yes.
‘The 100’ looks back
From the Polis bunker to the lonely reaches of space, the last vestiges of the Ark’s original delinquents found themselves facing down Praimfaya in ways they never imagined.
Life on the ground has come full circle for “The 100,” and, just as in season 1, Season 5 will have to give us a glimpse into their backstories once more.
“The time that we’re skipping is highly dramatic,” executive producer Jason Rothenberg told Entertainment Weekly, referencing life above, on, and below the ground. “Ultimately, we’ll want to tell some of the stories of how it happened. And flashbacks are part of the DNA of the show, too, so it’s not like we’re like, ‘Oh, we’re going to do flashbacks for the first time.’ We always do flashbacks!”
Thanks to episode 13’s flash forward, we know the fate of at least one character. Clarke (Eliza Taylor) is alive and well, courtesy of Rebecca’s signature cure for radiation poisoning.
She’s not alone, however. The de facto leader has teamed up with another Nightblood, a girl by the name of Madi. Although not Clarke’s biological child, the youngster will undoubtedly have an indelible effect on her story.
Octavia (Marie Avgeropoulos), meanwhile, has become a leader in her own right. Trapped below ground with mix of 1200 grounders and Arkers, the former assassin will have her chance to shine…we hope.
Combined with the unknown fate of her brother in the skies above, Octavia’s return will shock fans and characters alike.
The fate of ‘The 100’
Even as a new batch of prisoners land on Earth (was there an off-world colony we were all unaware of?) our minds are still consumed with concern for those who can’t seem to make their way back into the light.
Once the bunker is exhumed and Raven (Lindsey Morgan), Bellamy (Bob Morley), Monty (Christopher Larkin), Murphy (Richard Harmon), Harper (Chelsey Reist), and Emori (Luisa D’Oliveira) from orbit, Rothenberg and co. will have a few more surprises in store.
“When we see Octavia at the beginning of season 5, it’s a pretty big 'WTF' moment,” the writer teased. “When we go into the ring in season 5 and we see how Bellamy and Raven and Monty and the others have made it, we’ll be very surprised by what we find up there.”
Are you ready for answers? Start the countdown to season 5 and 2018.