Back in 2015, the "Terminator" franchise added another movie to its roster with "Terminator: Genysis," which featured "Game of Thrones" actress Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor. The move was most likely to draw the newer generations who are familiar with Clarke through the hit HBO series, but if Paramount Pictures was banking on that assumption, together with Arnold Schwarzenegger's global appeal, it somehow still did not hit the spot. The film earned $440 million globally on a $155 million budget, a figure that didn't quite meet the expectations of the studio.
Because of this, it seems that the studio has halted any more development for the "Terminator" franchise, which "Genysis" was supposed to kickstart a new trilogy for.
James Cameron on board to develop further 'Terminator' films
Things are looking up now for the "Terminator" franchise, as James Cameron is in the very early stages of developing new content for upcoming films. The news came via Arnold Schwarzenegger himself, who was on hand during the Cannes Film Festival, where he let slip that the franchise is indeed moving forward. He said, "[James Cameron] has some good ideas of how to continue with the franchise. I will be in the movie." As per Gamespot, the films rights will return to Cameron in 2019, which is when he will most likely begin with the foundation of the next "Terminator" movies.
Right now, he's busy working on the next "Avatar" films, so there's not much to report on regarding how involved he is with "Terminator" right now. Meanwhile, Deadline reported in January that "Deadpool" director Tim Miller was in early talks to direct the upcoming "Terminator" film, but those talks may have fallen through as there were is no new updates regarding the matter.
Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks to the graduates of the University of Houston
Besides "Terminator," Arnold Schwarzenegger is keeping busy as a public servant and actor. In fact, the "Terminator" star was recently on hand during the commencement exercises of the University of Houston, where he gave an insightful speech. In it, he debunked the idea of the "self-made man." As an immigrant from Austria, he stressed the importance of a helping hand.
Business Insider reported that as per the actor, "I didn't just materialize out of nowhere like the 'Terminator' through a fireball in the streets of Los Angeles, and then all of a sudden I was there." To listen to his entire speech, check out the video below.
Watch my commencement address at @UHouston live:
— Arnold (@Schwarzenegger) May 12, 2017