"Little People, Big World" stars Zach and Tori Roloff are just days away from welcoming their first child into the world. After revealing on the season premiere that they are having a boy, fans immediately wondered what they would name their son when he arrives this month.
Tori revealed on Instagram that she's already having Braxton-Hicks contractions, a sign that baby is prepping to make his grand entrance. She also shared photos of the baby's nursery and it's oh-so-cute. But what about the baby's name? What did Zach and Tori decide?
Zach and Tori Roloff discuss baby names
In a clip from "Little People, Big World," Zach admits that, despite the results of the ultrasound, he still thinks Tori will give birth to a little girl. Although ultrasound results aren't always 100 percent accurate, Tori states that her "instinct" says it is indeed a boy.
Zach and Tori have been doing a little brainstorming when it comes to picking a name for their son (and perhaps a few girls' names just in case?). However, they have yet to agree about the one name they both like.
Zach's picks? Jack, Mikey, and Timothy.
Tori isn't thrilled with the baby names Zach likes. She thinks they are a bit too common. Her suggestion? Noah! Now, that's a cute name, don't you think?
Noah Roloff has a nice ring to it.
“I really like Noah,” Tori tells Zach. “I like names that not everyone has. You know, like when your child goes to school, he’s one of the only kids that has that name.”
Tori has another name in mind
Zach didn't seem to mind the name Noah at all. However, when Tori reveals that she also likes the name "Malachi," Zach isn't thrilled with her suggestion.
Malachi Roloff? That's a no-go according to Zach. In the "Little People, Big World" clip, Zach tells Tori, "If I can’t pronounce them, we’re not naming our kid it."
And we're not sure he was being totally serious, but Zach had a unique name to throw into the mix. He didn't like Malachi, but he's on board with Boaz, a Bible-inspired name.
Fans will have to wait until after Zach and Tori Roloff's baby is born this month to find out what they picked for a name. Will it be Timothy, Jack, Mikey, Noah, Malachi, Boaz, or another name they didn't share? Hopefully, the "Little People, Big World" stars will come to an agreement by the time Tori goes into labor.
Zach and Tori already thinking about baby number two!
The Roloffs are ready to welcome their baby boy this month but they are already talking about their future baby. They both agree that if the next baby is a girl, the top name choice (so far) is Ella.