At the recently held Met Gala, Priyanka Chopra wore the longest Trench Coat and took the stage in no time. Her outfit was compared to Inspector Gadget and ridiculed on social media. Designed by Ralph Lauren, the dress received thumbs-ups from fashion designers. The 10-foot outfit needed a lot of help while she was walking the red carpet. Throughout the event, Priyanka looked smashing and elegant. In addition to Chopra, Deepika Padukone was forefront at the festival.
Her television series - ‘Quantico’
Her Hollywood debut “Baywatch” is set to release in a few days.
Priyanka Chopra is in the headlines since her appearance in the famous American series, “Quantico.” Developed by Joshua Safran, this thriller show premiered on ABC in September 2015. It is a joint project of Mark Gordon and ABC Studios. Chopra plays an FBI agent, Alex Parrish, who completes her graduation from the FBI Academy and joins the agency as an investigator.
The show also features Jake McLaughlin, Johanna Vraddy, Yasmine Al Massri, Tate Ellington, Anabelle Acosta, Josh Hopkins, Aunjanue Ellis, and Graham Rogers. An ABC spokesman recently revealed that the channel originally ordered thirteen episodes, and picked up the full season after receiving positive comments from television critics and audiences.
In March 2016, the show was renewed for another season, which premiered in September 2016. Priyanka was contacted for a role in January 2016. The entire show was shot in Atlanta and New York City.
Just 13 Photos Of @priyankachopra Looking Iconic At The MET Gala 2017
— BuzzFeed India (@BuzzFeedIndia) May 2, 2017
On the review aggregator site, Rotten Tomatoes, “Quantico” has 83% approval rating based on 56 critics.
On Metacritic, it scored 72 out of 100 based on 22 reviews. The complete series is available for download at Google Play Store and the iTunes Store in high-definition version.
Priyanka Chopra at the 2017 MET Gala in New York City 🌻 #MetGala
— Skywalker (@percyismyiratze) May 2, 2017
Priyanka Chopra – a talented actress
Born in July 1982, Chopra is a famous actor, filmmaker, and former fashion model.
Time magazine has named her one of the most influential personalities in the world. She received two National Film Awards, three Filmfare Awards, and the Padma Shri for her incredible performance in “Fashion.” Her other notable works are “The Hero,” “Andaaz,” “Don,” “7 Khoon Maaf,” “Mary Kom,” and “Dil Dhadakne Do.”
These days, the actress is busy with the promotions of her upcoming movie, “Baywatch.” The film also features Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron in leading characters. In addition to her acting career, she is the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Women’s Rights since 2016.