After her shocking transformation in "Wrecking Ball," Miley Cyrus wowed the fans with her performance at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards on Sunday. The "Hannah Montana" actress channeled a rowdy inspired look for her debut performance of "Malibu."

'Free as birds catching the wind'

Miley teared up while singing these words on the stage of BBMAs, giving the viewers a different perception of her. From being tough-looking, the singer finally returned to just being Miley we've all known from the beginning. In fact, most of her fans were moved by her performance of "Malibu" which obviously speaks about herself and her relationship with Liam Hemsworth.

Her upcoming album has no trace of "Bangerz" and "Petz," which only means that fans can look forward to a whole new music from Miley who personally wrote the songs from her latest album with the help of producer-writer Oren Yoel. The singer is also expected to release a song for Hillary Clinton and for women in the workplace which will be included on the album.

But despite that, the "When I Look at You" artist clarified her upcoming release has nothing to do with politics. In fact, Miley promised the album is more personal rather than political. After her emotional performance of "Malibu,", Miley was spotted with Liam at the backstage of the BBMAs stage.

Story behind 'Malibu'

The 24-year-old singer revealed she wrote the song for her long-time boyfriend.

Despite their on-off relationship, Miley has always found herself coming back to Liam's arms after all these years. The singer said she started writing "Malibu" while on her way to "The Voice" set.

"I drive myself everywhere, but that day I decided to Uber, and I was trying not to sing out loud because someone else was in the car," she told Billboard.

"They're going to talk about me if I come out of a restaurant with Liam. So why not put the power back in my relationship?"

Miley also said her new album was inspired by Melanie Safka and Kendrick Lamar. She previously performed "What Have They Dong to My Song Ma?" with Safka in "Happy Hippie," while Miley admitted she loves Lamar's "Humble."

"I love that [song] because it's not "Come sit on my dick, suck on my cock." I can't listen to that anymore.

That's what pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little. I am so not that."

Although she is making a crossover from twerking to being just Miley, the singer acknowledged the fact that people will still see her as the tough-looking girl in that "Wrecking Ball" music video.

"I'm always the naked girl on the wrecking ball. I should have thought about how long that was going to have to follow me around," Miley said.