After a long wait, "house of cards" Season 5 is ready to drop on Netflix on Tuesday, May 30 at 12 midnight. The political drama featuring Kevin Spacey as President Frank Underwood and Robin Wright as Claire Underwood will be rife with intrigues and controversies, but will it pale in comparison to the events happening at the White House in real life?
It's still the elections
"House of Cards" season 5 will open where it left off -- in the middle of President Frank Underwood's re-election campaign. The man in the White House is leading the polls against his Republican opponent Will Conway (Joel Kinnaman).
He's already sensing he will win but it's unclear how his running mate for vice president is doing.
First Lady Claire Underwood convinced her husband she's the best person for the job as VP. In a new promo for "House of Cards," she makes a call for vigilance from the public because of the "noisy press." She also mentions the upcoming elections but the video breaks up, suggesting something bad could be happening.
Trump took show's ideas
Robin Wright joked she's concerned "House of Cards" season 5 might not be as crazy as real life politics today. She kidded America's real president "took all of our good ideas," in her interview with The Guardian.
Kevin Spacey, on the other hand, told The Hollywood Reporter that "House of Cards" is supposed to be an alternative universe.
If it's looking a lot like real life politics, especially in this upcoming season, the actor said this was not what the show intended.
Joining the cast as new additions in "House of Cards" season 5 are actors Patricia Clarkson and Campbell Scott but their roles have been kept a big secret so as not to spoil the viewers. Supporting cast Neve Campbell and Michael Kelly will return in the new season.
Kelly confirmed some other familiar faces will be saying goodbye this season but he did not elaborate on who.
Future seasons
"House of Cards" went through a production shift in season 5 when creator Beau Willimon left the show. There have been rumors this will be its last season and that it will likely end in Frank Underwood's death.
But Netflix boss Ted Sarandos said it's not yet over.
Both Kevin Spacey and Sarandos are in agreement that the show still have plenty of stories to tell. If the fifth season will continue to be well-received as the previous ones, then a renewal could be in the cards.
Mark your calendars for show's fifth full season release with 13 episodes on Tuesday, May 30 at 12 midnight PST.