Proving once again that Bill Maher, the far left rant specialist whose show “Real Time” runs on HBO most Friday nights, he made a crude incest joke about Ivanka Trump, the president’s oldest daughter and close advisor. The remark took place as Maher was having a conversation with New York magazine reporter Gabriel Sherman.

The conversation was about how Ms. Trump works to humanize her father. Then, after making a reference to “misogyny” at Fox News, Maher took things to the next level without a hint of irony. While making a lewd hand gesture, he said, 'When he's about to nuke Finland or something, she's gonna walk into the bedroom and—"Daddy, Daddy…'Don't do it, Daddy.

Is that how you see Ivanka?”

Sherman, who apparently wished that he was many miles away at that moment, turned a beat red and quietly said, “No.”

Maher has had a long standing problem with strong women, especially those whom he disagrees with politically. During one episode, he called the former governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin one of George Carlin’s seven deadly words that begins with “c.” The firestorm was so intense that Maher had to deny he was a misogynist and instead confess to having a “potty mouth.” Of course, some media observers pointed out at the time that one can be both and with Maher, the two go hand in hand.

To be sure, to be sure the usual question arises about what would have happened had the target been a liberal president arises.

The last few Democratic presidents have been fathers of daughters, but no one seems to have crossed that particular line. Indeed, no one appears to have crossed that line with Republican presidents and their daughters as well.

Until now.

Part of the problem is that the fact of Donald Trump as president seems to have unhinged the entertainment industry to some extent.

Presidents have been the targets of jokes for as long as can be remembered. But now the sort of things that people like Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert are saying about President Trump are too filled with rage to be especially funny. The phenomenon makes one yearn for the subtle wit of a Jon Stewart, who was fiercely partisan but could still make one laugh, albeit with a wince one the target was one favored politician.

The marketplace will eventually win out. Unfunny comedians who have gone berserk about Trump will steadily fade away along with their audiences. Trump is likely to gain a lot of sympathy, especially if he responds on Twitter. Then the late night comedians will just have more reason to rage.