There is great anticipation on “The Flash” which resumes airing this April 25. Titled “The Once and Future Flash,” all eyes will be on two key characters – Iris West (Candice Patton) and Caitlyn Snow/Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker).
As most know, Barry Allen/ “The Flash” (Grant Gustin) is desperately seeking ways to avert the murder of Iris at the hands of the evil speed demon, “Savitar.” Various ploys were made, including the injection of Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) in an effort to alter the timeline resulting from “Flashpoint.” Episode 19 could very well be a key turning point.
Candice Patton wraps up role for the season or for the show?
There are five remaining episodes and most of the main characters are expected to be present. News about Candice Patton wrapping up production for the season threw some off-guard, most immediately digging up information on whether her character would be killed off.
Today's a Season 3 wrap for me on The Flash! ⚡️
— Candice Patton (@candicekp) April 21, 2017
Seeing how Iris West is the main character, it is unlikely that she will be erased. Hence, the wrap in production could indicate that her appearance will be limited – likely the finale. She tweeted that announcement captioned “Today’s a Season 3 wrap for me on The Flash!”
Danielle Panabaker finally gets her evil suit
Danielle Panabaker aka “Killer Frost” has donned different wardrobes throughout the series.
But it looks like with her impending transition to the evil side, Caitlyn will finally get an official suit. It was a role she was begging to get for quite some time now and her wish has now been granted.
In the remaining episodes of “The Flash” season 3, expect her character to evolve into the dark side and pose more problems to Barry and team Flash.
Among them include a proposal which would be something that the “Flash” will likely take up.
What is the indecent proposal?
For those who caught the “Abra Kadabra” episode, it could follow the same route. “Killer Frost” may offer to help team “Flash” but with a hefty bounty afterward. With her freezing abilities, “Killer Frost” can use her powers to temporarily work in hand with Barry and slow down the evil speedster.
The ploy could work and likely save the life of Iris West, an arrangement fairly similar to the seeing “liver Queen / “Green Arrow” (Stephen Amell) joining forces with “Deathstroke.” Recall however that Cisco/ “Vibe” (Carlos Valdes) also has a role. This would be the previewed confrontation between him and Caitlyn. But the question is when exactly in the scene that will happen.
Who will be killed off?
The possibility of seeing one character being killed off has been suggested once “The Flash” season 3 comes to a close. It is unlikely to be Iris West. A wild guess that it would be Julian Albert (Tom Felton), Caitlyn’s love interest.
It could be part of the chaos or a sacrifice on the part of Julian.
Criticized for being too stiff, it could be a defining moment that can alter the course of Iris West’s death. Check out the trailer for the upcoming episode below.
Check out the trailer for the upcoming episode below.