"The Fate Of The Furious" made box office history in its opening weekend, speeding past every other movie to set the worldwide box office record for best opening weekend in history. The eighth installment in "The Fast and the Furious" franchise dominated the box office. While the movie was expected to do extremely well, no one could have predicted this level of success.
Box Office history
"The Fate of the Furious" made $532 million from 63 countries in its historic opening weekend, passing the previous record of $528.9 million set by "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" in 2015. For comparison, the $532 million that "Fate" made is more than the entire domestic theatrical runs of the first four films in the series combined. It also made more in its first weekend than any of the first five films did for their individual lifetime box office. "Fate" has already made half as much in one weekend as recent box office juggernaut "Beauty and the Beast" made in a month.
This is all despite that fact that the movie did worse domestically than its predecessor, "Furious 7." Domestically, "Fate" only made $98.8 million, compared to the $147 million that "Furious 7" made.
"The Fate of the Furious" took a different route, proving that overseas is where it would dominate by wide margins.
Start your engines overseas
"The Fate of the Furious" hit the Nos button and really blew by all competition in the overseas department. "Fate" racked up $433 million to set the largest overseas opening weekend ever, lapping "Jurassic Park" ($316 million) by $117 million. What put "Fate" above the competition was its success in China, where it made $192 million. This made it the highest foreign opening in Chinese box office history and the second highest overall, only behind the 2016 Chinese film, "The Mermaid."
"The Fate of the Furious" finished number one in all 63 countries that it released in.
It made more than $10 million in Mexico, the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Brazil, India and South Korea. The movie also made all-time opening weekend records in 19 countries and was Universal's highest grossing weekend opening in 27 countries. It also had the best opening weekend ever for a movie in "The Fast and the Furious" franchise in 36 countries.
Other records
On the 681 IMAX screens it premiered on "The Fate of the Furious" made $22.6 million, only behind "Jurassic Park" ($23.2 million) for best international IMAX opening weekend. The domestic opening weekend total was also the largest ever for an African-American director (F. Gary Gary) and the best opening ever for actress Charlize Theron. For leading actors Dwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel it was their second best domestic opening weekend ever.