Hey, "Quantico" fans. We recently got the new, official teaser spoilers in from ABC for the upcoming episode 19 of season 2 via their latest press release for the episode. We got a couple of storyline teasers in this one. It turns out that the task force crew is going to try to meet up with the collaborators to create some chaos. However, it sounds like things will get deadly dangerous as lives get threatened, and more!
They also gave us a title for this thing. It turns out that the producer decided to name it: "MHORDER." They started off their official plot summary by putting in, all-caps: The task force is going to decide to step out from the shadows to engage in a big meeting with the collaborators, face to face.
It looks like this will ,most likely, be the main storyline for this episode.
Engagement party plot
They definitely went on to elaborate on it, telling us that all the collaborators have currently been unveiled. In light of this, the team is going to come up with the idea of using Clay and Maxine's engagement party to entice them all to meet up in one particular place. Will this huge, elaborate plan work out for them? Will everyone show up like they're supposed to? Those are the big questions for this scenario. They didn't really answer these questions in their press release, so it looks like we'll definitely have to wait for this one to air, to find out if it goes off without a hitch. One thing's for sure, it does sound very intriguing, and it should give us some pretty good scenes.
Turn one against the others
Alright, so to cap off their storyline teaser, they let us know that the task force's mission for this big plan that was previously mentioned, will be to turn one against the others. However, something is going to end up, going very wrong, because everyone's lives are going to be put in major jeopardy due to one of the members of the team, deciding to make an extremely shocking decision!
What could this crazy decision be? Will a couple of the members actually lose their lives because of it? Those are the huge, burning questions for this situation, which will no doubt, deliver up some off the most drama-filled and intense scene, possibly to date! This episode was written by the writing team of: Logan Slakter & Gideon Yago, and Jennifer Lynch did the directing.
Ok, that's it guys. That's all of the teaser storylines that ABC was willing to give up for this one. However, as always, you'll want to be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the new preview/spoiler clip that's expected to release right after episode 18 gets done airing. It's highly likely to deliver extra details for the new episode 19. Additionally, we can also confirm that we're going to see this one air next Monday night, April 24th, 2017 at 9pm central time on ABC. Stay tuned.