According to a report on "Good Morning America" on Thursday, April 27, 2017, Exercise addiction can be dangerous. While exercise is healthy, it should be done in moderation. People put themselves in unnecessary danger when they go overboard with exercise.
Katherine Schreiber shared with ABC News that she began struggling with body issues when she was in elementary school. In high school, she exercised twice a week to feel good about herself. After high school, her exercise schedule increased to three times a day. She would go to the gym before work.
She went again on her lunch break and for the third time after work.
Body's reaction
Katherine confessed that excessive exercise took a toll on her body. She experienced many discomforts but said she was still consumed with the need to exercise. Her relationships and social life also suffered. She didn't socialize with family members or friends because exercise took up a large portion of her time. Her addiction became so bad that she is now in treatment for it.
Some of the same symptoms associated with alcohol and drug addiction are also present with Exercise Addiction. While it is not officially classified as a mental health disorder, it can have some of the same signs. Because not many studies have been done, most people don't consider it to be a problem.
It is estimated that many people who go to great lengths to exercise all the time might have an obsession with the activity.
The 28-year-old woman is working on getting a master of social work degree to help others with the same addiction she has had for many years. She wants to bring awareness to people that too much exercise can be quite dangerous to their health.
Related addictions
Katherine and experts shared that exercise addiction is usually associated with other addictions such as shopping, excessive internet use, playing video games or some other habit. Exercise addiction doesn't discriminate. It is just as common for men as it is in women.
A sure way to determine if you have this type of addiction is to notice if you have withdrawal symptoms when your routine is stopped or changed in any way.
These symptoms may include not being able to concentrate or sleep as well as periods of anxiety.
Schreiber says today she works out about 45 minutes a day without pushing herself. She no longer allows exercise to take over her life. She takes the time to spend with her family and friends. Do you think you might have an exercise addiction?