"The Night Manager," a thriller series broadcast by BBC and AMC Networks, has a second season in the works. The news comes as a surprise, because the series was originally designed to be a one season mini-series. However, BBC has confirmed on March 9th that the spy thriller's second season is in early stages of development. The production company The Ink Factory is still involved.
"The Night Manager" stars tom hiddleston as Jonathan Pine, manager of a hotel in Cairo, who is tasked with infiltrating the inner circle of arms dealer Richard Roper, played by Hugh Laurie.
'The Night Manager director speaks
The first season is a six-part series directed by Emmy Award winning director, Susanne Bier. "The Night Manager" is based on the 1993 John Le Carre's spy thriller. This news comes after infiltrating On Tuesday, Bier does an interview for Broadcast Magazine. In the interview, she states that script is "slowly being adapted." This is the first time a John Le Carre adaptation will go beyond the original source material.
The author does not have a follow-up book written.
In the interview, Bier shares her thoughts on continuing the series, "We all very much want to do a season two but the thing we absolutely do not want is to do something that does not live up to the level of season one. That would be a really bad idea.” "The Night Manager" has garnered 3 Golden Globe wins and 2 Primetime Emmy awards including Bier's win for best director.
BBC confirms but gives caution
Although a second season is in the works, BBC urges people to not consider this a confirmation of a second season.The first season has cost a rumored 30 million to produce. In season one, John Le Carre is actively involved in the series. However, there is no word of his further involvement in the series.
In the show's finale, Richard Roper's (Hugh Laurie) fate ambiguous and Johnathan (Tom Hiddleston) addressing a new night manager. No word on whether Hugh Laurie and Tom Hiddleston are committed to another season of "The Night Manager."