Since entering the realm of original content with the acclaimed series "House of Cards" in 2013, Netflix has created an eclectic variety of new shows and movies to appeal to a wide, international audience. Series like "Orange is the New Black," "Master of None," "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt," and "Stranger Things" have all become critical successes while finding hugely devoted audiences, thanks to the streaming service.
Netflix also seems to know when to invest its money into projects that have no hope of winning major acclaim, but will somehow find an audience, which seems to be the case with Adam Sandler's numerous projects for the online network.
The actor has released two Netflix exclusive movies since 2015, has a third to appear in April, and just signed on for another 4 movies to be financed and released through the service.
Two of Netflix's most watched original titles
While Netflix famously does not release viewership numbers for its streaming content, the company confirmed to Rolling Stone that Sandler's first original movies have become two of the most viewed original films, among a subscriber base of more than 93 million.
The movies have not been without controversy however, with 2015's western spoof "The Ridiculous 6" being called racist by many critics and activists due to its depictions of Native American peoples. For his part, Sandler called the controversy "just a misunderstanding" and both Netflix and fans stood by the movie -- within 30 days of its release, "Ridiculous 6" became the most streamed title in Netflix history to that point.
Unlike traditional movie releases, Netflix original films don't necessarily require sparkling critical reviews to find an audience as viewers tend to be keen to watch what is "recommended" by the service (Netflix original titles are generally listed near the top of the viewer's selection menu). With a Metacritic score of just 18% and a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, it would seem "The Ridiculous 6" benefited from this new way of watching movies.
The same can be said for the success of Sandler's 2016 Netflix release "The Do-Over" which currently has a 5% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, but remains a popular choice.
'Sandy Wexler' to release on April 14th
While details have yet to be released on the movies to be a part of Sandler's new 4-movie deal with the service, his next Netflix original film is slated for release on April 14th.
"Sandy Wexler" stars Sandler as a talent agent in 1990s Hollywood and features Oscar-winner Jennifer Hudson as one of his clients. Chris Rock, Conan O'Brien, Judd Apatow, and a number of other A-list comedians are expected to have cameos.
With Netflix planning over 1,000 hours of original content during the coming year, it's safe to say we can continue to expect a strange mix of award-winning content, (the upcoming "Mudbound" is already receiving Oscar buzz,) and ridiculous comedies that are sure to win with audiences, ("G.L.O.W.," based on the 1980s Gorgeous Girls of Wrestling concept is set to premiere in June).
Netflix original movie "Sandy Wexler" official trailer: