Hey, "Gotham" peeps. Unfortunately, I have some really terrible, just awful news to tell you guys. Apparently, your favorite show is on a really long break, so the new episode 15 of season 3 will be missing in action ,tonight, and for many Monday nights to come. We're looking at about a two and a half month hiatus as the upcoming episode 15 isn't due to air until April 24th, 2017 at 7pm central time, so be sure to jot that date down on your TV calendars.
24 is back
Here's what FOX will be airing in Gotham's vacant time slot. They're actually starting up the new installment of the 24 TV show series, which they've labeled: "Legacy." Tonight, they'll be airing the 2nd episode.
They aired the first one last night, right after the big Super Bowl 2017 game. How about those Patriots? What a comeback! Anyways, if any of you guys are fans of the 24 series, you'll want to still tune into FOX to catch the new season. If not, you'll definitely want to find something else to fill that time.
More intel for number 15
Now, on the brighter news front, we've got a teaser synopsis spoiler for the upcoming episode 15 from our Trakt.tv sources, and an official promo/spoiler clip from FOX, so we should be able to serve up some pretty good spoilers for it. First off, we'll go over the title for it. They labeled it: "Fallen City: How the Riddler Got His Name." It definitely sounds pretty interesting, like we're going to finally see Ed get his Riddler name or something.
According to this teaser description that we have, we're going to see some aftermath action with Ed after he got his vengeance on Penguin. Apparently, he's going to encounter some new issues about which path he should go down, next. It's a very vague description. They don't give any other details than that, so we'll just have to see how that plays out.
Ed takes on full Riddler identity
Again, we've got this promo clip that FOX provided to us. They dropped it last week. We've included it, below, for those of you who haven't seen it yet. In it, we see Ed, talking about how he's always felt that there was this other person inside of him, and that now it's time to fully embrace him.
After that, we see the classic ? "Riddler" symbol. Then he's spotted giving us that evil grin. He's also seen in a couple of other scenes.
Bruce kicks more butt
Next, we see some scenes that feature more of Gordon in action. We also see Bruce, becoming the little Batman junior by getting involved in more fighting action. It looks like he's kicking some major butt, so it appears that when the show returns, we're going to see some very interesting advancements in the storylines. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Be sure to check it out, below, and stay tuned.