Farrah Abraham had some choice words for those who judged her 8-year-old daughter Sophia's slumber party bash. The now famous once teen mom splashed out in full Farrah style on her daughter's 8th Birthday Party, including a paparazzi-style red carpet (with Sophia's name on the back of it), decorating Sophia's pony's hair (yes, you read that right), and a full night of pampering for Sophia's playmates who were invited to share in the festivities.
Farrah faces criticism
"Teen Mom OG" star Farrah Abraham is no stranger to criticism when it comes to parenting her daughter.
But what could be bad about an expensive themed slumber party for elementary school children? Because the bash took place on President's Day Weekend, many of Farrah's Twitter followers labeled her irresponsible for having a sleepover on a "school night." Other commenters went as far as to say that Farrah must have pulled Sophia out of school in order to participate in the party.
Farrah's response
Farrah responded to E! News with the following statement: "This was on Sunday night of President's Weekend—she did not have school the next day. I can only respond that the negative comments come from obvious ignorance."
Although Farrah hasn't always kept her cool with her fans, this time she seemed level-headed.
This isn't the first time Farrah has come under fire or criticism for her child rearing skills. In 2013, she admitted she waxed her young daughter's eyebrows, which sent fans and childcare advocates reeling from the shock. Farrah defended her decision by stating that viewers of the show "Teen Mom OG" kept commenting on Sophia's "unibrow," so she decided to take matters into her own hands.
Despite Farrah's somewhat questionable decisions when it comes to childcare, it looks like Sophia and her friends had a blast at the birthday party. In addition to a costumed Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" showing up to lead the girls in games and activities, Sophia was also treated to a yummy eight layer cake (on account of it being her 8th birthday).
And while some may call Farrah's skills into question, there is no doubt that she can throw one heck of a party.