Iggy Azalea posted a photo of a statement on Instagram on Sunday indicating that she and Nick Young have split and have ended their engagement. The Instagram post reads as follows “Unfortunately although I love Nick and have tried and tried to rebuild my trust in him- It’s become apparent in the last few weeks I am unable to. I genuinely wish Nick the best. It’s never easy to part ways with the person you planned you’re entire future with, but futures can be rewritten and as of today mine is a blank page.”
The singer’s statement shows how clearly heartbroken the she is at having to end their relationship, Nick Young on the other hand shows a lot less emotion by tweeting a very blunt and clear Tweet simply saying ‘Single’.
Loud and clear.
Iggy Azalea got engaged to the basketball player despite his cheating
The 26-year-old Australian rapper and singer got engaged to Nick in June 2015 but their relationship had not been very secure at the time of engagement as it was revealed that Nick had apparently met up with a young 19-year-old woman the previous summer. The young couple had been dating for just under two years when they became engaged. Iggy Azalea ended the relationship with the Lakers player as it seems she just could not move on the from cheating scandal which occurred in March of this year.
Iggy Azalea’s fiancé filmed bragging about cheating
The 31-year-old basketball player was caught on video bragging about having slept with a young woman despite being in a committed relationship with Iggy.
The video was then accidentally leaked online by his fellow basketball player Russell, who was the one that filmed the video.
When the video was leaked Young made no attempt to deny what was caught on video and instead admitted to cheating saying “What happened is what happened”. I guess it is pretty hard to deny something when there is photographic and audio evidence!
Iggy and Nick split shortly after the video was leaked but it wasn’t long until the couple were back together and Iggy was seen walking the red carpet wearing a huge diamond engagement ring. A few weeks on however, it is clear that Iggy never properly got over his infidelity and has had to end their relationship for good.