It’s another glorious day in Red Bank, New Jersey on "Comic Book Men" with an episode titled, "Tell 'Em, Jim Lee!" The guys are talking around the card table at the start of the show when Ming asks everyone what they would do if they found out that their parents were both robots. Walter says he likes robots, mentioning "Robocop" and "Terminator," and says he'd be cool with it. "Yea, without a doubt," Walter says about still loving his robot parents.
A key issue of Spiderman is offered up for sale
A man and his girlfriend come into the shop and inquire about a special edition of Spiderman, annual 21 from 1987.
It's a key issue where Peter Parker and Mary Jane tie the knot. According to Kevin Smith, there's “No bigger story” than this issue and Walt chimes in claiming that it's an “Historic issue.” Walt asks $29.99 for the copy he has for sale. Out of the blue, the cutsomer gets down on one knee and asks his girlfriend to marry him and she says yes. Walt reflects on the situation and says it was kind of scary and ponders if she had said no. Walt gives the couple the comic as a gift on the house, which prompts Ming to proclaim, "That’s huge, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you give anything away."
Jim Lee talks to the Comic Book Men
Jim Lee, comic book royalty, is a guest at the table this week and gives everyone some insight into his career and process.
Walt asks Lee what character he never gets tired of drawing. Jim Lee tells Walt that it's Robin, who humanizes Batman and makes him more accessible. Lee goes on to explain that the most daunting project he was involved with was Batman & Robin with writer Frank Miller, someone who was an idol to Lee before he got into the business of drawing comics.
Items brought into The Stash for sale this week
The next customer brings in a "Princess Bride" replica sword, one of only 750 made from the original prop. Walt claims the film sucks because it doesn’t have robots or time travel. The guys buy it for $550 with the deal that Ming must sell it in 6 months or have to buy it himself.
Another customer shows up to sell three life-sized fiberglass Gremlins from the WB store. The Gremlins were made in 1990 and the fiberglass was hand painted. Ming says that he saw Gremlins as a cautionary tale, first experiencing the movie when he was 10 years old. Walt thinks can move them and asks the seller what he wants. The seller asks $5,000 for them and Walt counters with $2,500. They do the dance and the seller lowers his price to $4,500, with Walt countering again with $3,500, the most he will pay for the decorations. The seller decides not to sell and the deal is off. The last item is a Tudor Electronics Football Game. The Super Bowl electronic football game is a toy they all had growing up and Ming calls it the worst game ever. Walt decides to buy the game for the Stash and after an initial asking price of $250, Walt and seller agree on $150 for the game.