"Rick and Morty" is considered funny due to its combination of dark humor, satirical commentary, absurd situations and its well-developed characters. Additionally, its animation style and storytelling techniques are often seen as fresh and original, helping to further distinguish the show from others in the same genre. "Rick and Morty" humor stems from its blending of different comedic elements.
The show often tackles heavy themes such as existentialism, addiction, and morality, but in a way that is both absurd and darkly comedic. The show's writing also often subverts expectations, which can create humor through irony and surprise.
The characters, especially the lead characters Rick and Morty, are complex and well-written, and their interactions with one another often drive much of the humor. Rick's nihilistic and selfish nature contrasts with Morty's innocence and empathy, and their dynamic creates opportunities for both physical and verbal humor. Additionally, the show's animation style and storytelling techniques, such as its use of cutaways, non-linear narratives, and meta-references, also contribute to its humor.
The combination of these elements creates a unique and highly entertaining viewing experience that has garnered a large and devoted fanbase.
Use of dark humor stops critics from watching
Dark humor is a type of humor that addresses serious or taboo topics in a humorous or sarcastic manner. It often involves the use of irony, satire, or black comedy to make light of situations or topics that are typically considered off-limits for humor, such as death, disease, war, or tragedy. Dark humor is often used as a means of coping with difficult or stressful situations, and it can help individuals to process and make sense of challenging experiences. It can also serve as a means of subverting expectations and defying societal norms, as well as a tool for social and political commentary.
It is important to note that dark humor can also be controversial and offensive, as it may not be well received by everyone and can sometimes be misinterpreted or taken out of context. For this reason, it is important for those using dark humor to be mindful of their audience and to understand the potential impact of their words.
Recently a reporter from Cinema Blend wrote an article explaining why he didn't enjoy Rick and Morty any longer, and it was almost exclusively because of the gore, callbacks to old jokes and the dark humor of the show. The author went on to claim that "Futurama" was a superior show.
Why is Rick so funny
Rick Sanchez, the lead character of "Rick and Morty", is considered funny due to his crass, selfish, and often nihilistic personality.
He is portrayed as a genius and an alcoholic who frequently drags his grandson Morty into dangerous and absurd adventures across the multiverse. Rick's humor often stems from his sarcastic and irreverent attitude, as well as his general disregard for authority and social norms. He is frequently portrayed as a comic foil, with his blunt and humorous one-liners and nonchalant responses to dangerous situations often serving to provide humor and relieve tension.
Additionally, Rick's character is often used to comment on and satirize various societal and cultural issues, such as technology, politics, and family relationships, through his misadventures and his interactions with other characters. Overall, Rick's humor is a combination of his quick wit, his crass personality, and his role as a commentary on societal issues, which all contribute to making him a beloved and iconic comedic character.
Why is Morty so funny
Morty Smith, the secondary lead character of "Rick and Morty", is considered funny due to his naive, anxious, and often hapless personality. He serves as a contrast to his grandfather Rick, and his reactions to the absurd and dangerous situations they encounter frequently provide humor and a sense of relatability. Morty's humor often stems from his innocence and his tendency to become overwhelmed by the situations he finds himself in. His awkwardness and inexperience often lead to humorous misunderstandings and mishaps, which serve to provide comic relief.
Additionally, Morty's character is often used to comment on and satirize various societal and cultural issues, such as growing up, relationships, and family dynamics, through his experiences and his interactions with other characters.
Overall, Morty's humor is a combination of his relatability, his innocence, and his role as a commentary on societal issues, which all contribute to making him a beloved and iconic comedic character in the world of Rick and Morty.
Justin Roiland faces criminal charges
By now you have heard the news that Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland is facing a slew of criminal charges against him from the Orange County District Attorney’s office, including one felony count of domestic battery with corporal injury and one felony count of false imprisonment by menace, violence, fraud and/or deceit. These are serious charges against the former "Rick and Morty" showrunner who has since been fired from Adult Swim and Hulu where he is the co-creator of "Solar Opposites". Co-Creator Dan Harmon is now the sole showrunner of "Rick and Morty".