After the Fall of Afghanistan on August 15, 2021, the Taliban made a surprising but not totally unexpected return to Kabul to run a country liberated from their control 20 years before.

Many issues are begging for attention right now concerning the Taliban's second coming. However, it is conspicuous that they have returned to stay put in the long run since the world currently fighting a pandemic doesn't seem to have any agenda whatsoever to topple the Taliban government.

The friends of the Taliban

Contrary to the popular assumptions that the Taliban is a lone ranger and has got no friends in the comity of nations, the fanatic organization actually has friends that are willing to come to their aid in securing funds with which they could run the shattered country they had whisked out of the hands of President Ashraf Ghani, the last democratically elected leader of Afghanistan.

A Forbes report, written by Ariel Cohen, affirmed that China is willing and ready to assist Afghanistan by investing in its mining resources. Since its inception, the Taliban has received financial, political, and intelligence support from Pakistan.

Countries such as Russia, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have openly expressed good feelings toward them as they overthrew the "corrupt" government that was in place before their arrival.

Not making a grave mistake to accept the Taliban into the United Nations

As impossible as it appears, efforts are already underway by their friends to drum up support for the Islamic organization's membership of the United Nations. Supportive arguments are flying around as the Taliban's associates push for a partial or full recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international body: They have changed; they will not infringe upon women's rights, their supporters will trumpet. But have they paid serious attention to some gruesome actions taken by them since assuming office?

How not to normalize terrorism around the globe

Accepting the Taliban into the United Nations is a dangerous move that will produce a ripple effect in many nations. Terrorist groups such as Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, and the others that had sought some legitimacy through ISIS (before ISIS was destabilized) can now freely associate themselves with organizations, from which they could also receive some much-needed assistance to cause socio-political havoc in their own jurisdictions in the name of religious purity.

An unpredictable sect like the Taliban requires a "special" hardline strategy that will compel them to play by the international rules or get attacked, as the case was 20 years ago.