Sometimes philosophy is necessary, sort of like medicine or food. I'd rank it right up there with things you depend on. The reason is that philosophy deals with things that are hard if not impossible to put into words. In fact, words are trouble. If I say, Allah, I am talking about what I would understand to be the same as any word that was ontological and signified creator or deity or force. Ontological means having to do with being. If I say, Abba, I am also using a word or term to point to something ontological.
Now if you are a little bit religious or a little bit spiritual, you will concede that words are problematic when it comes to the deepest and most important things, things that might underly Truth And Beauty and justice.
These are terms I regard as ontological. Philosophy skitters back and forth on these matters and that should be fair warning to anyone who wants to get terribly precise about the big terms. And yet we do crave some clarity, even if reality underneath everything is signs and vagueness.
Abba's Way
I'll give you a case study. There is Christianity with a whole lot of words packed into a creed which are highly specific about things that would otherwise be matters of substantial questioning and doubt. Then there is what I call Abba's Way which like the creeds is Jesus-based but it has no creed. It offers to the potential adherent only a group of terms that point to things in that ontology basket. It says live in relation to these words and you will be OK and the world will improve.
I just published “Abba by any name at all or no name is within us”
— Stephen C. Rose (@stephencrose) February 9, 2018
Because I see Triadic thinking to be universal, I am constrained to insist that any words I use, including the name Abba (though Jesus prayed to this one), are not necessary to reach the realm of ontology.
What I mean is that if you spend time daily considering the fundamental terms of Triadic philosophy, you will hit the high points of what can be expressed in words about being itself.
Here are some of them: Reality, ethics, aesthetics; truth and beauty,, justice; tolerance, helpfulness, democracy, and non-idolatry.
Triadic thinking sees diversity down to each person on earth. No one is the same. At the same time, we are all social. We are all tied together by the realities that underlie the words I have mentioned. The values noted at the close of the series are those commanded by triadic philosophy. They are the engines of progress. They are our hedge against the evil that crops up when we misuse freedom and choose values that lead to harm and death.
Triadic thinking is this century's antidote to the violence and harm of past millennia. It is a step forward in a rapid evolutionary move that is now in progress.