It is a big decision in the life of a young adult to choose which university to attend. An individual is trying to take their talents to the next level, either in a sport or as a career path moving forward, or both. When someone is picking a college to attend, everything must be considered, from its history to the faculty, to the program, and the campus.
It has been all over the news for weeks.
The injustice and shame of Michigan State University, an acclaimed school that disregarded many students' claims of sexual assault and allowed it to take place for years. The college failed to protect its students to better itself and keep the school record clean.
Larry Nassar
What are young girls and sports players supposed to do when it comes to administration and doctors? Utterly trust them no matter what. A lot of girls trusted Nassar who was the USA Gymnastics and Michigan State doctor for many years. In return, he violated their trust and is a despicable excuse of a man.
Nobody asked for it.
For the pain and suffering that this man wrought on many girls. An article written by The Ringer confronts what Nassar did and what the college failed to do. It states that "The story of Larry Nassar is the greatest shame in recent sport's history. We are finding out just how many people at both organizations could have stopped Nassar, but sought to minimize public knowledge of his abuses rather than try to put an end to his horror." And that is exactly what happened.
Nassar abused young athletes who came to him for treatment. He has been sentenced to prison for life, as he should for everything he did, including "possessing a massive stash of child pornography, including videos that the FBI believes show Nassar sexually assaulting children in a pool and 98 people who say Nassar abused them." This one man ruined so many lives and damaged many individuals.
And the part that is the worst is that this could have been prevented or taken down earlier.
Administrative failures
Michigan State University is to blame for everything that happened. Staff members refused to prosecute Nassar and ignored many claims. The way the University handled the situation is outright porous and disgusting. In fact, "The school itself investigated Nassar in 2014 but allowed him to return to work after a three-month investigation. At least a dozen women and girls say they were abused by Nassar after he was reinstated." Not only did he violate young adults, but children too.
Many talented and famous US Olympians, such as Aly Raisman, McKayla Maroney, and Gabby Douglas spoke against Nassar weeks ago.
They criticized the vile being that he is and the USA Gymnastics who kept the secrets.
Worse than Penn State's scandal
Everybody knows well about the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State. The scandal at Michigan State is much worse in my opinion because a doctor who was supposed to protect athletes used them for his own sick and personal gain. The university chose to protect the doctor and criminals over the students. The way the school handled the situation is far worse.
The university violated it's guidelines and values ultimately and let it go on for years. Not only with Nassar but sexual assaults with many basketball and football athletes. The college has an extreme culture of hushing up on sexual assault allegations and letting people go off "scot-free."
The university's president resigned from her position and the way she handled the allegations was horrendous.
For being a woman herself, she failed to protect them. Not only just the president but the football and basketball coaches who refused to do anything about the player's sexual allegations. They got the players off the case without any severe punishments or even limitations. There is a lot of corruption at this college and students have the right to protest against it.
In the end...
In the end, what are we to tell our children? What are we to tell the victims? A simple "I'm sorry" is not going to cut it from a university that turned it's back on the students. What is scary is that this could be occurring at other colleges too or soon after. Michigan State is a great school filled with great sports, a nice campus, and superb academics with a rich history. What we must do is protect our children and adults and stand up for them, not shut them up.