No matter where you go, people are talking—about him, that is. Americans are finding there is no escape from Trump. To further illustrate this point, take my recent grocery shopping trip for example. There I was, rolling happily along with my cart down aisle 3 on a mission to find spaghetti sauce. I almost passed up the sauces when I bumped into a man who I had seen just moments earlier in the produce section, and again two aisles over.

I assured him I was not a stalker to which he chuckled. We struck up a conversation about sale prices, and then it happened. Somehow, some kind of way, this tall salt and pepper haired gentlemen and I, found ourselves between a jar of Ragu and pasta shells, chatting about the 45th president.

It was at that moment when I realized that the POTUS is taking over our lives! We went on for about 15 minutes exchanging thoughts about the current political environment, immigration policy, and moral rebukes. The laughter that began the conversation dissipated and replaced by urgent distress. Curious, I proposed the following to my comrade in pasta, "so do you think Trump has infected us, and if so, is it life threatening?

And if life-threatening is there a cure?" He had no answer. We stood in silence staring at each other smack dab in the middle of aisle 3 next to the spices and chunky marinara—wondering what would become of us.

Have the Republicans and Democrats become the new Hatfields and McCoys?

In today’s US political arena, every day is a different day and sometimes scarier than the day before. Amidst the teeter-totter of stock market plunges, governmental shutdowns, job losses, icy tweets, mass deportations, special investigations, domestic abuse, an adult film star payoff, governmental overspending, and demands for a military parade, both parties are falling deeper into an abyss of complicity. The Republicans and Democrats, or rather the new Hatfields and McCoys, are deer in headlights like my friend in the store.

The Republican Party, which has previously been known for conservative family values, have become lemmings of the POTUS. As the nation watches in horror, much of America marvels at the Congressional silence. It is this silence and inaction that will rob them of re-elections and their overall credibility with constituents. It is this same complacency that has given way to the high-jacking and derailment of the US Democracy.

The few - The brave - The sane

To be clear, there have been a few lawmakers and former presidents from both parties, who have stood against the insanity and the overwhelming gush of immoral and unethical behavior. They have bravely stood in the face of the poisonous behaviors that seek to promote the pain of human ugliness while simultaneously, challenging the values and principles by which America has been governed and demonstrated by its people.

To this end, Trumpitis is indeed life-threatening and leaves a nation divided.

Americans are fortunate that not everyone on Capitol Hill has drunk the kool-aid. There have been a few Republican and Democratic lawmakers, like Senators McCain (R-AZ), Flake (R-AZ), Paul (R-KY), and Rep. Jeffries (D-NY), who have spoken out vehemently against the infection of hypocrisy, insulting rhetoric and moral indecencies of the White House. However, many continue to pledge their loyalty to Trump rather than to country and its people. Trump still garners a high approval rating from Republicans who choose to overlook the repeated streams of immoral--and sometimes criminal--behaviors.

The emotionally mature and rational adult understands that people are not perfect and we all have made mistakes, big ones, but where is the line drawn?

There is no longer a clear beginning or end. The culture and climate are toxic and the US government is broken. The actions from the White House do not seem to err on the side of what is just, rather it fails to denounce alleged child molesters, sexual harassment and misconduct, physical assault against women, the use of ethnic and racially divisive rhetoric, and so on and so on. Even the savviest of folk couldn’t have predicted that Americans would be asking if being decent and doing the right thing got tossed out with the baby and the bathwater.

Is there a cure for a broken nation?

Each year as the flu season approaches, many people flock to the clinic for their annual flu shot. This is a means to protect them from getting sick and also to lessen any symptoms the flu would bring.

We must look at Trumpitis in this same vein. It is essential that we inoculate ourselves. Once infected it is hard to shake, so recognizing symptoms early can make a world of difference.

One of the first symptoms of Trumpitis is an overwhelming sense of elitism and compulsive justification of behaviors that would normally be socially shunned or punishable by death. Then there is a need to perpetuate stereotypes and lies in order to disenfranchise groups of people, like women, immigrants or people of color. The third symptom is bouts of involuntary agreement and rationalization of the POTUS’ extreme policy decisions that marginalize all who are not him. It happens.

If you experience any of these symptoms, don’t ignore them.

Find a friend, even if it’s a stranger at the grocery store, and start a therapeutic conversation. We must support each other and not become immune to the abnormalities. We must be strong for those who feel helpless or are without a voice. Take a moment out to write your congressmen and share your expectations of them and their tenure in office. Stand tall and remember, America has always been great, it’s part of Congress’ job to get us sane again.