Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, in the ongoing Russian probe and Obstruction Of Justice investigation, seems to be closing in on the end of his query. Mainstream media reported last night that Mueller is prepared to interview President Donald J Trump. Congress continues to respond to questions about the subject of the Russian probe and the possibility of Russian influence in the upcoming 2018 November elections.
Robert Mueller has contacted Trump lawyers
Robert Mueller recently contacted President Donald J Trump's lawyers to request an interview soon with the president. The lawyers responded with a request to meet with Mueller and his team first, then possibly supply Trump with a list of questions to answer in writing. Law professionals all agreed on CNN last night (Jan. 23) that that would not be what Robert Mueller is interested in. Mueller, assuredly, wants to ask Trump questions about his firing of James Comey and Michael Flynn at the beginning of the Russian probe and to ask him directly if he was obstructing justice.
Either he says no and possibly is caught lying, or he says yes, and has to take a plea deal. Either way, an in-person interview is what Mueller would fully desire.
Lawyers also agreed that Mueller would not be choosing to speak to Trump unless he was at least at the end of the obstruction of justice investigation, but not necessarily the Russian probe. With agreements to talk and plea deals, Mueller has grasped what he needs and is holding it tight under the collar to keep it from public knowledge until he is ready to charge the last person there is to charge! The person that everyone is turning on.
Given President Trump's record of lying in previous court depositions, of which, there are several, Mueller is undoubtedly holding hopes for the same Donald Trump to show up in front of him for questioning under oath.
The same day ex-Chief Strategist Bannon was reported to agree to a talk with Mueller, Trump was seen speaking very defensively about the continuing probe.
Congressional statements show concern for where the Russian Probe and obstruction of justice investigations are heading
In an agreement to keep the government going after a three-day shutdown, Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnel verbally agreed to work on DACA in a three-week installment of government. Senator Minority Leader Chuck Schumer agreed verbally, as well, to talk about the wall. Since then, both McConnel and Schumer have pulled out. However, that is not the only main concerns swimming around Congressional halls. The Russian and obstruction of justice probes are shaking Republicans in their boots, and giving ground to a Democratic uprising across the country, with several seats falling back into the hands of Democrats.
Republican Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Richard Burr made a statement about the ongoing investigation and its length. "Every individual that is added (to the Senate investigation), it puts about three more weeks into the investigation, that's why it makes it difficult for me to look out." This according to a report by FOX News. Basically, he is stating that he sees no end in sight as the witness list continues to grow. So, imagine how Robert Mueller feels.
Outgoing Democratic Senator Jeff Flake took to the Senate floor one week ago to rip into Trump and his involvement in the Russian situation, obstruction of justice, and his persona. He spoke of truth being "battered" by "the most powerful person in the United States." Flake raised Trump's own words as being identical to Communist Joseph Stalin when it came to Trump's comments against the press.
Flake stated, "To call the Russian Probe matter a hoax....is a falsehood...we must get to the bottom of this probe, no matter where it leads." See his speech below. Republicans have split down the middle on their opinions of the probe. One half believing it is a witch hunt, and the other wiser half of Republican leaders knowing it needs to be completed and fighting Trump all the way. These quotes come from a report by CNN.
There is no other way to put it, our United States President is in big trouble. Obstruction of justice charges look imminent, and the Russian Probe continues to mount tension, witnesses, and contradictory statements that is embarrassing Republicans and Congressional leadership in both branches. Robert Mueller and his team seem to be on cruise control as their investigation continues to contort itself into a mountain of trouble for Donald J Trump!