Rick McDaniel released a timely book as we go into a new year. The author of "Turn Your Setbacks Into Comebacks" is the founder and senior pastor of Richmond Community Church in Richmond, Virginia. It is apparent that McDaniel believes that most people experience setbacks because in 2012 he wrote another book with a similar title, "Comeback: Overcoming the Setbacks in Your Life."

Pastor McDaniel's latest book gives six major ways how the setbacks of 2017 can be turned into comebacks in 2018. Before he lists the ways, the author reminds his readers of major setbacks that the country experienced in 2017.

For instance, Puerto Rico and Houston need a comeback. The New York Giants could use a comeback. Politicians need a comeback year. The author says 2017 might not have been a banner year for his readers, but there is hope for a comeback year for everyone who follows a few simple rules.

1. Release regrets

The very first thing Pastor McDaniel suggests is that people should release their regrets of the past. If not, they will never be able to move forward. He advises his readers to let go of thoughts of guilt, depression, indecisions, and self-pity that have them imprisoned. Focusing on regrets will keep them locked into a past that can't be changed.

2. Abandon setback mentality

People who continue to focus on problems of the past have a setback mentality.

They tend to be self-absorbed by playing their problems over and over in their mind. A comeback mentality is a shift from a setback mentality. McDaniel reminds readers that a setback is only temporary, and it does not define their lives.

3. Exit survival mode

According to the author, no one can make a comeback while in survival mode that is meant to be a temporary place for healing.

It is a comfortable place for a while, but no one should stay there very long. Going over how you have been wronged and mistreated keeps you in survival mode. God did not create anyone just to survive. When people exit survival mode, they thrive.

4. Make a change

Most people don't like change, but a comeback always begins with change.

Things are going to remain the same unless there is a change. Unless there is a change in attitude or something else, there will be no comeback.

5. Restore confidence

Most people lose their confidence during a setback. However, confidence is required for a comeback. Confidence helps with new opportunities, and it is necessary to make wise decisions.

6. Resurrect dreams

The final piece of advice is not the least important. Do not let setbacks control your life. Know that you can dream again no matter what setback you have experienced.

You will be able to move forward when you resurrect the dreams you once had. It is not about what caused the setback. It is about the comeback you are about to have when you give life to old dreams.

Even though setbacks of 2017 were not the same for every individual, the principles for comebacks of 2018 are the same for everyone. The key to having comebacks is to put the above principles into practice.