The Others, better known as the White Walkers in the "Game of Thrones" TV show, are without a doubt the biggest mystery of the whole "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe. How did they come to be? What do they want? Why are they attacking now, after all this time? These are the questions that usually come to mind when talking about the White Walkers. The TV show answered some of them through Bran's flashback in the "Hold the Door" episode by showing that the Children of The Forest were the ones who created the first White Walker by shoving a piece of dragonglass into a man's chest.
This man eventually turned out to be the Night King, the leader of The White Walkers and the biggest threat to human race now that he has finally breached the Wall.
But here's the thing. In George R. R. Martin's books, we don't know their origin story and the Night King isn't even a character. And while the White Walkers in "Game of Thrones" are presented as monsters, George describes them as the race with an otherworldly beauty and the culture of their own. So all in all, not the mindless zombies programmed to kill. In my opinion, this fact sheds some new light on the very nature of the White Walkers a.k.a the Others. So let's explore what this means for our story.
How is "Game of Thrones" supposed to end?
So far, we've seen only war, so there is a reason to believe that the whole thing will end with the great battle between the living and the dead. But what if it doesn't have to? Maybe there will be some pact between the two races. After all, the White Walkers were pretty low in numbers to begin with, and now that Craster is dead and the Night King is not able to convert babies anymore, they are on the verge of extinction.
For them, there needs to be some agreement similar to the one that ended the Long Night. To recall, it was when Azor Ahai sacrificed his wife Nissa Nissa that the White Walkers retreated to the Lands of Always Winter. What probably happened was that Azor Ahai shoved Lightbringer (a piece of dragonglass) into his wife's heart, thus turning her into the female White Walker.
With all this in mind, it looks like something like this will happen again with Jon Snow sacrificing Daenerys to end the Great War. It could also explain Dany's vision from the House of The Undying. To recall, in this vision, she was first in the Throne room and then, just before she could touch the Iron Throne she found herself beyond the Wall.
What would this mean for the story?
It is important to note that once we take into account that "Game of Thrones" is an anti-war story at its core, this theory is suddenly starting to sound more believable. If the story constantly shows us how war is bad, it wouldn't make any sense that everything will end in yet another bloodbath.
On the other hand, peace ending the whole thing would carry an important message, a message that war is not the solution.
With that in mind, it is safe to say that the whole purpose of the White Walker invasion is to punish humanity for all the wars men have fought. Wars feed the Army of the Dead, so as long as there are wars, the White Walkers will be there to teach mankind a lesson.