In a direct reference to Steve Bannon's attack on Republicans who do not support Donald Trump, Senator John McCain upheld America's historical standing as an idealistic nation. The Arizona Senator also attacked Bannon's characterization of America as a land of "blood and soil," and he defended the ideals of freedom upon which the nation was founded. McCain boldly stated, "We live in a land made of ideals, not blood and soil," according to ABC News on Monday.
In his direct affront of Bannon, which indirectly also was an affront to Donald Trump, Senator McCain made it clear that he will stand up to anyone and everyone who insults, minimizes or attacks the principles upon which the Founding Fathers based the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the nation itself.
McCain left no doubt that he values the country, and the principles upon which it was founded, including religious freedom and freedom of speech, more than he values any man or any political party.
Trump threatens McCain
When asked about McCain's statement regarding Bannon, Trump warned McCain to "be careful." 'The Donald' also warned McCain that he can get "nasty." Although Trump did not specify exactly what he meant when he said that he can get nasty, the message was clear: Trump does not care about the fact that McCain has deadly brain cancer; nor does he care about how his remarks affect the longtime Senator.
McCain is a former Vietnam War-era POW who is hailed as a true American war hero by Senators and Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle.
During the Presidential campaign, Trump had referred to the fact that McCain had been captured and stated that McCain was a "loser." 'The Donald' also stated that he only admires "winners." The remark did not go over very well with the general electorate as a whole and attracted criticism from both conservative and liberal voters.
Nothing to lose
As this observer sees it, McCain, in criticizing Bannon and Trump, has nothing to lose. He is never going to face the electorate again as a candidate for office. He does not have to worry about a political future. McCain is in a position in which he is free to express his sincere beliefs on the Senate Floor without any repercussions, including political ones.
He does not have to worry about how his remarks are interpreted by lobbyists, or how his remarks may or may not affect his campaign contributions, poll numbers, etc..
At this point in time, the only "poll" that McCain has to worry about his own conscience. And he is able to carry on as a free-speaking Senator who does not owe anybody anything. And most all, he does not have to be "careful" or worry about threats from Donald Trump or anyone else.
As McCain stated himself, he has faced "much adversity" in his life, as he is now with his serious case of brain cancer. And he is not about to allow any person, no matter how important his "position" is, to intimidate him or regulate his free speech.
And America will be "the better" for it, as an honest politician is free to "tell it as it is," totally uncensored.
World War III
McCain is not the only Senator to attack Trump in the last couple of weeks. Senator Bob Corker, (R-Tenn.), has been sharply criticizing Corker for potentially "sparking World War III" with his ongoing "war of words" with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un. Corker also advised Trump not to "castrate" Rex Tillerson with public criticisms that undermine his effectiveness as Secretary of State.
Drug Czar nominee steps down
In other Trump troubles, 'the Donald' was not able to see his Drug Czar Tom Marino confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Marino's confirmation was strongly opposed by yet another Senator, Joe Manchin, (D-W.
Va.), who strongly objected to Marino's one-time advocacy of legislation that softened drug laws pertaining to opioids. Marino withdrew his name from consideration for confirmation as America's next Drug Czar.