Dear Mr. Spacey,
I must open with many congratulations, as you have officially come out of the closet, and normally this would be a momentous occasion. Ordinarily, I would write a letter such as this congratulating you on a journey that is unbearably difficult, in a nation that is still not very friendly to members of the LGBT+ Community. Unfortunately, Mr. Spacey, I believe your timing is not coincidental. I would like to think that you were planning on announcing this, that you had an official statement made, and that you are simply a victim of a bad publicist and bad timing.
Coming out was a vain attempt at distraction
But alas, I do not believe that this was the case. I believe that your coming out was a vain attempt to distract from the allegations against you by Mr. Anthony Rapp, and that is unforgivable. If what I believe is true, and your coming out was indeed an attempt to distract the public, then I must say for shame. Coming out is one of the hardest things that a person can do, it is not a pretty process. Let me tell you my own story, in the hope that it will help you understand. I first noticed that I was attracted to men in Kindergarten, yet because of public perception, and being told not to tell anyone by the two people I did tell, I never said anything.
I buried it deep down, refusing to acknowledge it's presence, and I realized quickly that I liked girls too, a fact that made hiding easier.
Bullying and other difficulties
The next time my sexuality came up, was in 4th grade as I began puberty. I found that again I was attracted to men, and I had a much harder time covering it up this time.
I still said nothing, as I endured bullying, and experienced the first time I was ever called a fag, and watched as teachers and principals did nothing. As I aged and hit middle school, I began hating myself, I felt as if what I felt was a sin, and I truly believed my feelings would land me in hell. I denied my feelings, and I told myself that it was just a phase, that it would go away, and they never did.
Then, in Freshman year of high school, I came out for the first time, that is I came out to myself, and I said for the first time, out loud that I was bisexual. I then began telling a small group of friends, and I eventually came out to most of my family and friends, but even as a Freshman in college, I am still not out to everyone.
When you use coming out as a distraction, you cheapen the struggle all of us in the LGBT+ community have gone through. You undermine the difficulty and emotional stress coming out causes, and you fail to acknowledge the blood of our brothers and sisters that have been spilled in the name of the freedom to be who we are. Your aggressive actions are completely unrelated from your sexuality, and consumption of alcohol is not a pass to violate the fundamental rules of consent. I hope that this was just a case of bad timing, I hope you truly are sorry for your actions, because the alternative is much more shameful.
Aaron Lee