Tuesday swings by today, bringing with it the reminder that you are unique Libra and should never change the real you for anyone. Your birth between September 23rd and October 22nd makes you a take charge sort of person who enjoys the chase. However, deep down you really wouldn’t mind taking control once in a while--in the bedroom and out! Today’s daily Lovescope for Libra speaks about the need to put yourself first for a change.

What to expect:

Singles: Conversations today have a special, extra edge to them that’s sure to be most eye opening, Libra. This can be talks between friends, family or even lovers. The heavens have aligned to help you out in the communication department so make the most of it in that charming, flairy way that only you can do.

You’re known to sacrifice a lot when it comes to love, often at the expense of your own needs, Libra. While you wish for a decent world where people don’t take advantage of you, there are people out there wishing for more people like you to use for their own personal gain. Sigh--that’s life right?

When it comes to love, decide today what it is that you want and what qualities in a prospect you desire. Then, make a commitment to yourself not to be walked over by anyone abusing their authority in your life.

Couples: Despite some friction which could arise due to financial reasons, you and your honey are enjoying every moment in great harmony today. It’s true that no couple is going to be totally 100 percent in tune all the time but acknowledge that it's natural and fine to be like that. Appreciate your differences today because you both have something special to bring to the grand buffet of l’amour.

You aren't really thinking about anything except your relationship right now, and that could take you--pretty much anywhere.

Those with their ascendant in Cancer or Sagittarius can expect a breathtaking encounter with a Taurean. Could your fling with a Cancerian be true love? Try to satisfy his or her demands because they could be suffering due to lack of passion. Reignite that spark!

How to get through your day

For those looking for love: If you need to tell someone how you feel, then do it now--as in, yesterday! Your energy and passion levels are up Libra and there’s no time to lose. Don’t mince your words, be straightforward and listen carefully to the response--and if at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again!

For those of you in a relationship: It’s a day to give generously of your time and affections, Libra.

Surprise your beloved with a thoughtful card and down the line, you will see how your love is reciprocated and appreciated. If you need to reflect on your relationship, be realistic, as today gives you clarity of mind to assess your relationship for what it really is.

That’s it for today’s daily Lovescope for Libra. Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday and don’t forget to check back tomorrow to see what the stars have in store. If you’ve enjoyed this reading, please share it with your friends and family on social media.