Welcome to Friday fun Libra! You were born between September 23rd and October 22nd which makes you a lover of harmony. You seek equilibrium in everything you do and try to compromise rather than start a fight. Today’s daily Lovescope for Libra speaks about

What to expect:

Singles: The stars have sent you an array of interesting individuals and this is making it hard to focus on just one person.

Lately, you've been so happy with this group social dynamic that you’re hoping it lasts a long time--well, at least until you find a sweetheart. Enjoy yourself!

For many of you Libras, your mind is often running wild with thoughts of the future. Today though, you’re a bit distracted by visions of a house on a hill, a white fence, children even? Up to some time ago, you would not have even entertained such thoughts, but your heart is starting to sing that tune of settling down. Follow the melody--as long as it feels right.

Couples: Big progress is unlikely now. Your thoughts are scattered at work, your focus is up in arms, and you feel that your relationship is just not moving forward as it should.

Okay, so you feel weird, but who doesn’t have an off day? Take some time to figure out how you feel and why you might feel that way. Then talk to your honey. In the meantime, try to enjoy the little things.

Don’t hang your hat where you can’t reach it--it’s better to maintain a lifestyle that you can actually afford. Forget what others think. You are slowly but steadily working your way up the ladder of success and your dedicated efforts will pay off. Today love will not seem to want to give you great satisfaction but, do not be afraid, better times are on their way. If your partner is a Sagittarius, you will face the life of a couple with enthusiasm and entrepreneurship. The desire to explore new horizons grows on a Daily basis.

How to get through your day

For those looking for love: Today you will find that changes you have made recently in your relationship are really paying off. The mood in your relationship has greatly improved, and both of you seem distinctly happier. Continue along your new and improved relationship path, and you will find that you have created a recipe for long-term happiness.

For those of you in a relationship:

Some people are just shady! Whether things are good or bad, they’re always slipping in and out of their relationships, sneaking through the back door without so much as a thought for their partner. Don’t let that be you! With today's planetary alignment, just watch that tendency to want to disappear from the scene, instead of honestly saying how you feel.

The truth would be better. It would also help your partner to know where they stand.

That’s a wrap for today’s daily Lovescope for Libra. Have an incredible Friday and don’t forget to check back tomorrow to see what the stars have in store. If you’ve enjoyed this reading, please share it with your friends and family on social media.