Saturday rolls along merrily Leo so have a great one today! Your birthday between July 23rd and August 22nd makes you very generous and ambitious. Your tenacious willpower helps you achieve goals and overcome whatever hurdles life throws at you. Today’s daily Lovescope for Leo speaks of the need to change your mindset.
What to expect
Singles: You’re used to rushing through life and plowing headfirst into relationships with people who you often know nothing about. It may be time, however, Leo to change your methodology. Foundations taketime to be built, especially if you want them to last.
So,judgementwhen it comes to love matters right now, slow down your normally quick approach and become much more deliberate and solid.
Are you having difficulties with a Taurean? The stars say think over this situation very carefully. You are never very sociable and Taureans only think about their group of friends. The time is right today to take important decisions which you've been putting off for some time so evaluate what to do to avoid later suffering!
Couples: You’ve recently become involved in something that seems to bring you more difficulty than happiness and today you feel like kicking yourself. It’s crucial that you figure out what motivated you to make the move in the first place and soon because this matter is having quite an effect on your relationships.
If you are really serious, then talking to your special someone will begin to bridge the gap. The stars say to be positive because thisjudgment may have been caused by celestial energies and those, as we know, are temporary.
Uh-oh! Today, everything bright and shiny catches your eye, even if it's worthless junk. Back away from your credit card Leo and hide your cash.
If you don’t, your partner could be telling you 'I told you so' and with good reason!
How to get through your day
For those looking for love: You’re pleased with your newfound acquaintance. Even in casual conversation you two have a habit of finding your way toward fascinating topics and you're constantly learning new things from them.
This could be a good thing if you don’t mess it up, Leo. You are at times, a bit self-centered and critical and if you want your current sweetie to stick around, you need to adjust your behavior.
For those of you already in a relationship: You are constantly evolving Leo and you recently realized that changes had to be made. At least you’re mature enough to admit this. Today, you’ll work on changing some of your old habits and your tired, old routine and starting afresh. Your romance will really pick up when your partner finds that you have changed your own outlook on life. Enjoy these positive developments that have taken place in your romantic realm and look forward to the long but happy journey ahead for both of you.
That’s all for today’s daily Lovescope for Leo. We hope you’ve learned something new and feel better about taking on your day. Do enjoy the rest of your Saturday and we hope to see you tomorrow for more celestial insight.