Happy Tuesday Capricorn. Your birthday between December 22nd to January 19th gives you a fighting side to you that not many people are aware of. You are generally calm and easygoing, but when taken advantage of, or, if anyone messes with your family, your inner warrior will emerge, guns a blazin’. Today’s daily Lovescope for Capricorn speaks about sending all the wrong signals to the wrong people.

What to expect

Singles: You want someone to brighten your life Capricorn, but you’re still holding cards concerning your availability close to your chest.

Now explain how is that supposed to work? You want love but you don’t want people to know you’re single? We’re all quite aware that there is a certain type of person that only goes after married people or those already in relationships.People without morals or scruples! If that’s what you’re trying to attract Capricorn, you’re on your own, because the stars don’t want to hear about it, one way or the other.

Couples: You’ve always enjoyed your independence but as time goes by, you’re wishing for someone by your side to accompany you in every important moment and not only then! Hello, Capricorn! You already have a partner but remember in the early days when you preached about independence being the cornerstone to not losing your identity?

Well, he/she took your words to heart and keep far from your social events now. Silly silly Capricorn. No one truly in love with someone would accept distance that easily. You better make sure they’re still yours because a little sideline competition wouldn’t be surprising.

How to get through your day

For those looking for love: It’s time to bring your fantasies into reality Capricorn.

Sultry ideas you’ve had about someone close, or whom you would like to become close to, may have a profound effect on you today. Cosmic energies are making your heart beat faster and your pulse race and while you usually take your time to get to know someone, you feel you must tell them right now that you cannot live without them at your side!

Easy there friend. Your fantasy might still not be someone else’s reality, but kudos on the bravery. Let’s see where this goes and if it doesn’t lead to the destination you want, you could still end up with a friend for life.

For those of you already in a relationship: Those of you from the second decade, who are always on the look-out for new emotions, devote some time to yourselves. Overcome the disease of solitude, abandon selfishness and throw yourself into life. Your partner shouldn’t be overlooked at this time so invite them along for the ride of a lifetime. It will be fun to discover new and exciting things about each other’s likes and dislikes.

Thank you so much for joining us today for your daily Lovescope for Capricorn. Do enjoy the rest of your Tuesday and please feel free to share your reading on Facebook and Twitter.