Your weekend is here, Aries, starting off with a glorious Saturday! Your birth between March 21 and April 19 makes you impulsive, and sometimes you act first and think later. Your daily lovescope for Aries today looks at honestly expressing yourself so that others can better understand you..
What to expect
Singles: You’ve been feeling a bit uneasy since you woke up, Aries, as if something’s just not right in your world. Your clothes feel itchy, your cute co-worker is not at his/her desk, the rain looks like it’s going to fall, and you’re having second thoughts about going out tonight.
Hold up! It’s just your mind being hyperactive this morning because you’ve been working it overtime.
You’ve got a great deal of charm and sensuality and you’re a pro at inspiring intense sensations in others. Give yourself some downtime and stop searching for the one. Not only will you seem less needy but you'll start having much more fun -- ironically enough, you'll probably end up meeting someone great.
Couples: As much as you consider you and your sweetie to be two peas in a pod, both of your interests are conflicting at the moment. Your first instinct may be to run and hide until things resolve themselves, but if you do that, your partner might think that he/she is being avoided. That’s no good!
Let him/her know what you’re thinking and feeling first and see how you can both reach a solution.
Some days you feel like painting the town red and other days you’re a wallflower. It’s a good thing you have such an understanding partner who gets your shifty moods. Maybe some alone time won’t be so bad, just for a while, if only to get your head out of the clouds.
If you have a rising sign in Capricorn, your inclination for communication and expansiveness will favor you, making you particularly fascinating. That magnetism will draw your lover to you like bees to honey and tonight, your beloved will be eating out of your hand.
How to get through your day
For those looking for love: The stars suggest that it’s vacation time for you -- to a foreign country or just a spiritual retreat or yoga class.
The idea is to get you relaxed and feeling great, and who knows? This trip or journey may spark a very heady and passionate affair.
For those already in a relationship: Open and honest communication is key and without it, your relationship has no chance. You’re well aware of this and wondering how to handle a potentially messy situation today. You’re torn between saying what you feel and saying only part of it, to spare your partner’s feelings! Hey, it’s not what you say but how you say it! Be tactful and your bond will be much stronger after you express yourself.
That’s it for today’s daily Lovescope for Aries. Enjoy your Saturday and check back tomorrow to see what the stars have planned for you.