Greetings Sagittarius! Your mind will always believe everything you tell it, so feed it hope, feed it truth and feed it with love. Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson has the inside scoop for you in Tuesday’s daily horoscope for Sagittarius. Pay attention to the signs and use this insight to guide you to a happier life.

What to expect

Ah, the color sky blue! It conjures up images of baby boy nurseries, a bed for the clouds and your grandmother’s favorite kitchen curtains.

Blue, blue, God loves you. Today though the stars say that this color could actually work against you, so don’t wear it. God will understand. If things start feeling a bit heavy for you today Sagittarius, you’ll be tempted to start complaining to anyone who will listen. A potential lover could be in this mix so be careful because whining is no way to get a relationship started. Some self reflection could come in handy instead, so too, would some quality alone time. By tonight, you’ll see where you’re going wrong and be far more prepared to do better tomorrow.

Some people can smell alcohol a mile away, while you can smell manipulation.

Today, there’ll be no shortage of others trying to twist you to their will, and it’s up to you to put them in their place. It’s very hard for some people to not interfere in others’ business but when you see them coming, just run. You are quite capable of handling your own matters in a mature and sensible fashion and you don’t need their two cents’ worth of advice today.

Singles have it a bit hard today Sagittarius. You’re moody, lonely, depressed and everything in between. Persons trying to cheer you up are pushed away or lambasted for minding your business. Well, fine! Stick to your lonesome for the rest of the day, until that bad mood wears off. You don’t need to be offending anyone else with your attitude.

If it helps at all, watch a movie as a great distraction or go for a drive or even shopping. Don’t overdo it though. Sort out your thoughts and get an early night’s rest.

How to get through your day

You’re so eager to get ahead today that you’re in danger of falling over yourself Sagittarius. Take it one step at a time and try not to fall over your feet or put your foot in your mouth either. Place both of them firmly on the ground as you go about your day and remember baby steps. This project you’ve been working on is crucial to your sense of self-worth so be meticulous and if possible, let your boss or a trusted friend give it a look over. Others are sure to be impressed by your efforts and innovation, so keep plodding along until you get to your strategy’s final destination.

Thank you so much for stopping by today to read your daily horoscope for Sagittarius. Be sure to share and come back tomorrow to see what insight Astrologer Megan Wilson has just for you! Have an enjoyable Tuesday!