It’s Saturday Pisces! Woo hoo! Blasting News Astrologer Megan Wilson has consulted the stars on your behalf and now has your daily horoscope for Pisces ready and waiting for you:

What to expect

Your word is your bond Pisces, and when you say you're going to do something, you do it without fail. You respect people’s time and admire those who fight the hard fight of life with everything they’ve got.

Unfortunately, though, those who mirror your qualities are a dying breed, as many people simply don’t care about anyone but themselves. Lady Luck smiles on you today however, and you can be sure that if you have any tasks to get done, there’ll be someone nearby to help you out. Someone who promises to help and actually delivers? How lucky indeed.

Life can be as dreary or as colorful as you make it so break out the watercolors, sculpting tools, knitting needles or whatever your favorite medium of choice since art and creation are emphasized today. Go wild Pisces! Explore a museum you've never been able to get to or look through your old sketchbooks from that college life-drawing class.

Whatever you do will provide plenty of inspiration to pick up those tools and make something that pleases your eye right now. If you’re into creative literature, write some prose and read it to a loved one later on.

Some voluntary work will brighten your spirits, since helping your fellow man really gets you going. You’ll have time to spare and tonight you could be interested in challenges and risks. Why not organize an evening playing games with friends? It’s free, convenient and fun. Those of you born in the first decade should have faith in their own values, even if external rewards are few and far between.

Some advice? Meditate calmly on who you should give your heart to.

You could be quite popular today Pisces and it seems that everything you do will be a success.

As the moon marks its presence in Cancer, you should use this time to destress and take care of your health. Towards the end of the day, have a soulful conversation with a loved one or a family member and really listen to what he/she is saying. Give some advice if needed. A bright shade of red, the color of passion, love and victory, will bring you luck today.

How to get through your day

What a perfect day to go to a spa, get a massage, or enjoy a sauna, Pisces. You've accumulated a lot of tension and stress lately, and you may have had a hard time trying to calm down. The stars call for peace and quiet so adhere to their requests. Don't even pick up a newspaper. Try not to even think. Do nothing and take care of yourself.

That’s all for today’s insight from the stars Pisces. Thank you for visiting and we hope that you now feel much more equipped to face your day with confidence. Join us tomorrow for Sunday’s daily horoscope for Pisces.