"Can I go to the bathroom?"
"When will I ever use trigonometry?"
"Why are we here? This is so boring."
"MISS, he took my pen, tell him to give it back."
"My mom said you can't tell me anything."
"You have a staff meeting this afternoon."
"Don't forget we need the student's reports by the end of the day."
"The parent isn't coming in."
And so on, and so forth, the triggers in a teachers' day are never ending. The occupation is filled with high stress and high emotions and sometimes, a teacher, a human being, can feel like they are about to snap. So, what can teachers do to prevent this from happening?
Here are some helpful tips
Get a life:
You eat, breathe and sleep your job. You teach all day, plan lessons, compile paperwork; after work, you are calling parents, in meetings, supervising extracurricular activities; and at night, you are correcting papers and trying to remember what you forgot. You need to distance yourself from the pressures of the job because it leaves you anxious, stressed out and easily angered. You need to have a social life, take in a movie, go for dinner, and spend time with loved ones and friends. This will help you to control those raging emotions. This will put you in a relaxed mood BEFORE you enter the classroom. Because you are not as stressed, you are able to manage what occurs in the classroom more efficiently.
Social support:
We need to have people that we can talk to. Sometimes, venting will allow us to get those Anger issues out of the way. But as teachers, we need to be sensitive to whom we are venting too. Speak to persons who will give support, offer sound advice and helpful solutions. When you are in the situation, you may not be able to look at the issues objectively.
Talking out the issue can be a stress reliever by itself. It will help you to rationalize the issue and probably identify solutions in the classroom.
Identify your triggers:
If you were speaking to a child who reacts violently, what would you say? Try to figure out what gets you angry and then develop coping mechanisms for such situations.
Well, you must practice what you preach.
Don't project:
Sometimes, our personal lives may color our professional lives. Because we are frustrated at home, e.g., arguments with a partner, be aware that you are frustrated and Temper your reactions to suit. It may mean speaking a little slowly or taking a breath before you respond. If it's your professional life frustrating you, e.g., low wages, added classes, again be aware of your frustrations and remember it is not the fault of the students. Children can be very understanding, let them know you are a little bit upset and if you are short with them or snap at them, to be a little understanding rather than being angry and they, not understanding.
Use it as a learning opportunity to teach empathy and Social Support. Your kids may surprise you.
Avoid emotional outbursts:
If you know you are at the point where you will be shouting at students, walk away, ask to be excused, take a breath. The children will lose respect for you especially when you are overreacting to a situation. Keep in mind, they are children, and they may not understand why you are being so aggressive which can lead to hurt feelings, broken trust and damaged relationships. Because in anger, we may say things we did not mean but cannot take back.
Stress relieving practices:
While in a classroom, we may only have a minute to diffuse our anger. Learning quick Stress Relieving techniques like breathing exercises can help us if not diffuse our anger, manage it.
Remember, teaching is a stress riddled profession, and it is understandable that you will have good days and bad days. Find strategies that will assist you in relieving your stress both out of the classroom and in the classroom. Often, what happens outside of the classroom can influence what will happen in the classroom. A lot of the strategies recommended are preventative and as well as proactive. You cannot stop a class from having triggers, but you can equip yourself to deal with those triggers when they occur.