While we’re juggling much more important things in our everyday lives, the residents of West Hollywood are juggling the infamous, ‘Team 10’. It consists of a group of mouth breathers, all under hooligan Youtuber, and former Vine “star” (Vine being an obscure app from the early 2010s), Jake Paul.
He’s the brother of fellow hooligan, Logan Paul, who also got his start from a staged viral video of him being “color-blind.” Jake came to be, with an equally brain-cell decaying video of his song, “It’s Everyday Bro,” featuring the equally obscure, Team 10.
His lyricism insinuates that his millions of social media followers are the reason for this video’s illusion of grandeur, but we can bet it’s all rented, courtesy of his (now discarded) Disney contract.
Why the media and West Hollywood is fed up with Jake Paul
However, this isn’t why he’s back in the news. Jake Paul and his ‘army’ of fangirls have made the Team 10 residence, an ‘attraction site.’ Jake set up the West Hollywood home to be a Google business and currently holds a 4.4-star rating. The address and phone number are all public information. While he is a web celebrity, he is a celebrity with a fan base, nonetheless. Usually, celebrities tend to stay private because a hoard of screaming fans at every hour is neither desirable or safe, for neighboring residents.
Some celebrities are urged to move when they cause huge disturbances. For example, Justin Bieber had received a lot of noise complaints about partying and being a general nuisance, back in 2014. Fast forward, Justin sold the home and faced severe charges, even probation.
With the neighbor's continuous reports and the growing danger of the crowd of "stans," (stans are stalking fans), local TV news station, KTLA 5, swooped in to get the exclusive on the rearing ugly head that is Jake Paul.
And you can see that it was a sh*t-show for the ages. When questioned by Chris Wolfe, KTLA reporter, about the increasing annoyance of Team 10 Jake simply had, what can only be described as, a f*ck-all attitude. A particular line from the video says it all, "I feel bad for them, for sure, but there's nothing we can do, though — the Jake Paulers are the strongest army out there." In case you felt your brain flicker a bit, the ‘Jake Paulers’, are his 'stans'.
Why are current efforts are wasted on this 15- seconds-of-fame
While Jake shows reluctance to change, he isn’t entirely wrong about the naivete and unwavering support he gets from his stans. There is nothing we can do about him resurfacing in the media, except let his 15 seconds of fame fizzle out unencouraged. Until then his neighbors are just going to have to put up with him, and continue sending in the reports of what they describe as, “a war zone”.