The big question mark over the mental fitness of President Donald Trump is a topic discussed not just in the U.S. but also overseas. People started to ask how fit the billionaire is for the job after he unleashed a series of tweets that hit the “Morning Joe” hosts and a fake wrestling match which incited violence against media.
The Australian reported that Julia Gillard, the former prime minister of Australia, said on Sunday Trump’s mental health would be talked about if the real estate billionaire continues to use social media.
She told “Lateline,” a program on ABC, “I would worry that a charge of being mentally ill ended up being thrown around as an insult.”
Out of genuine concern
Gillard, who is the new head of Beyondblue, a mental health organization in Australia, pointed out that some commentators in the U.S. believe Trump has mental health issues not to insult the American president. They offer that analysis because they are genuinely concerned about the president and the nation he leads.
The former PM admitted that as an outsider, it is difficult to judge the mental health of another person, so she urged more caution.
Gillard, however, added that if Trump continues to tweet the way he does, people will keep on questioning his mental ability.
Some Australian politicians, however, criticized Gillard for her statement. Michael Kroger, the president of Victoria Liberal Party, warned the former PM would damage the credibility of Beyondblue if she continues to make comments about Trump’s state of mental health. He found it odd that Gillard is now making character assessments of the billionaire’s mental state.
Imperfect Presidents and a fake hero
Meanwhile, The Washington Post, in an Independence Day opinion piece, noted that past U.S. presidents were highly imperfect men. It cited Thomas Jefferson who was considered a hypocrite because he declared all men created as equal but owned slaves.
John Adams, known for his sour and disputatious character, cracked down on criticism of the government by signing the Sedition Act. Benjamin Franklin was sort of a dirty old man, while John Hancock was accused of smuggling to get rich.
Trump, however, is a different case. The op-ed said the 45th president is a true aberration because he is the only president who did not serve in government or the military. It is worsened by his being ignorant of process and policy and refusal to acknowledge these shortcomings, but Trump continues to seek adulation which George Washington, a real hero, turned down. The Washington Post stressed Trump is a fake hero with a big ego that is threatened by a mere hint of criticism.