Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar, the couple behind the shelved reality show “19 Kids and Counting” has something to tell the world. It is not about procreation and producing a reality show that features every minute details of their family life. It is about something possible in a world of broken marriages, lost children, and hurting couples.
The Duggars are the epitome of a model family for the world to emulate
The Duggars managed to live harmoniously together despite their number. They managed to love equally without favouritism and they are able to rear decent, obedient, and God-fearing children in a society where Godlessness and perversion abound.
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are telling the world that it is possible to be morally-straight and forgiving before the eyes of God. Presently, single parenthood, immorality, exploitation, disrespect, and disobedience of young people are the normal happening.
The couple conveys a message that an ideal family, despite all its flaws, and shortcomings is possible. With 19 children in one home, it is remarkable to stay in touch with their children individually. The Duggar couple was able to raise responsible kids and most importantly, they were able to raise their kids with fear of the Lord, with servant hearts, and with brotherly love among their siblings and others.
Although there is one thing that can be criticized about the family – Josh Duggar’s molestation, lies, and adultery.
But what is amazing is that there was no condemnation, no blaming, but plenty of love, understanding, and forgiveness. Support is unlimited. In the case of Anna Duggar, Josh’s wife, the overwhelming support of her husband’s family helped her to forgive and hold on to her husband.
The Duggar couple has authority over their children
With romantic love, the couple has also something to prove to the world. Young people can stay pure until the day of their wedding. Parental decision and rules can be followed by the children without resistance. Respect for the parents and asking their approval before courtship is one thing that the "19 Kids and Counting" couple tells the world that should be adopted.
This is a source of blessing for the couple about to enter into marriage.
Another thing that the Duggar couple tells the world is sacrifice for others is noble. Their children are actively involved in the mission field. Despite hardships, they continue to make themselves available for the promotion of the welfare of others. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are ordinary humans and by making a difference in the world, they are able to tell everyone that nothing is impossible with love.