As our world becomes more interconnected, the hunger for a secure environment surges. With the direction that our society is heading to, the call for a trustworthy institution and sincere leadership is becoming a malignant issue that needs to be addressed.
Challenged trust in institutions
Institutions are already a part of human evolution. Institutions, such as schools, banks, churches, and governments, help define a group of people and a nation. These institutions taught our ancestors and our forefathers to Trust the system that was imposed on them and not to challenge the leadership that was introduced to them.
After decades of the institutionalized manner of trust, modern humans learned to voice out, to protest their distaste and concerns to the institutions who vowed to lead, to serve and protect the public.
The public’s rising doubt on various social institutions is the result of the betrayal of trust and confidence. An example of this is the corruption of the Federal Reserve Bank by Goldman Sachs. In 2008, during the global financial meltdown, the U.S. Congress stated that this catastrophic event was unpredictable but some think otherwise. Such an event could have been predicted if only Congress insisted on justifiable access to the Central Bank so as to oversee the institution’s operations.
Other recent news which involved the Alabama State Senate and Briarwood Presbyterian church, raised questions on the passing of bill that will allow the church to have its own police force.
If the bill passes this law, this will give the church access to a primary government function that can be easily abused. There should always be a check and balance in order to maintain proper order of the government, but in this case there is no specific government body that will oversee this. This bill basically has loopholes and oozes with questions.
Distributed trust is becoming the norm
In our history of evolution the way we trust institutions adapted to the way we live. First, our ancestors learned to trust only the people with whom they had tight-knit relationships. In the mid-19th century, major changes in the business and social climate catapulted the manner of trust where people learned to put their trust on agreements, insurance, and contracts.
And now as we enter another phase of our evolution, we are starting to learn the Distributed trust. With the continuous rise of digital connectivity and usage we are learning to be more accountable for our own actions by making online trust more viable.