Two students, Henry E. Sanchez-Milian, 18, and Jose O. Montano, 17, were accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in a bathroom stall at Rockville High School in March 2017. Days later, the undocumented Immigrant was detained by officials. This detainment came shortly after President Trump prioritized cracking down on illegal immigration and began blaming undocumented immigrants for major and violent crimes in the United States.
Rape charges dropped
Prosecutors are dropping the first-degree rape charges due to lack of corroboration and substantial inconsistencies.
The New York Times reports that soon after Monano was detained, his father was also detained for being undocumented. Authorities indicated that this made the case more complicated. Although the Rape charges are being dropped—John J. McCarthy, state attorney for Montgomery County reports that his office still plans to file a pornography charge against the teen which carries a maximum prison sentence of five years. Mr. Monano’s lawyers are displeased that the teen is being charged as an adult. His lawyers also report discontent in regards to the pornography statute which is intended for adult predators, not juveniles.
Facts about rape and demographics
The White House is accused of using this trial to perpetuate falsities about rates of violent crimes committed by undocumented immigrants.
Sarah Sanders, the White House Deputy Pres Secretary said she would not “retract any statements on the case without further information” and indicated that Mr. Spicer was only speaking on the facts that he knew at the time of the case.
Scholars and researchers have data indicating that the majority of sexual offenders are rarely prosecuted and most are repeat offenders.
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)—a national data and information database—reports that approximately 994 out of every 1,000 rapes go un-punished. RAINN also reports that less than 1% of rapes are falsely reported, but rapes that are reported are approximately 57% white male offenders and less than 15% are other ethnicities or mixed.
Facts about the 'immigration' problem
The American Immigration Counsel reports that “between 1990 and 2013, as the foreign-born share of the United States population nearly doubled and the number of unauthorized immigrants more than tripled, violent crime declined 48 percent and property crime fell 41 percent.”Reportedly, there has been a major decline in illegal immigration. The U.S. Border Patrol reports that there has been an 80% decline since fiscal year (FY) 2000. Additionally, a Pew Research Center study indicates that, “between 2009 and 2014, more Mexican nationals left the U.S.” What would happen if all undocumented immigrants left the country?
Furthermore, decades of academic research tell us that most illegal immigrants are law abiding.
Most hard-working immigrants do not want to be caught, deported, nor do they want to put their family at risk. Reasons as to why the White House perpetuates lies without sustenance and factual data and why the public believes it is still unknown.