Much beleaguered President Donald Trump, who described the military as "my military" a few days ago, is insisting on a ride with Queen Elizabeth in a gold-plated chariot while en route to Buckingham Palace through the Mall. The request has both the Queen and her security forces in a tizzy because although the gold-plated chariot has bullet-proof glass, it is very flimsy and offers no protection against a rocket-propelled grenade or other similar weapons.

The President's limo

The President's limousine, which President Barack Obama took when he rode to Buckingham Palace, has bullet-proof glass and thick doors. It also is much heavier than is the Queen's horse-drawn carriage. The President's limousine also can withstand a rocket-propelled grenade and is much less likely to tip over than is the Queen's carriage. It also is much faster and can get away from trouble much easier than can the Queen's buggy.


As this observer sees it, the limousine ride simply makes more sense than does the chariot ride. It also is very presumptuous of an American President, who probably is the best-protected Head of State in the world, to put the burden of his protection on the British People.

The British tradition is one of much more openness when it comes to access to leaders than that of the American People. The Prime Minister, for instance, often makes himself/herself available to average citizens and sometimes walks to Parliament from 10 Downey Street, the Prime Minister's official residence. The gold-plated chariot belonging to the Queen is more of a ceremonial vehicle; whereas the President's limousine is made for serious protection.

The Revolutionary War

In requesting the ride in the gold-plated chariot, "King" Donald Trump is forgetting that America won its freedom from British royalty in a Revolutionary War. America was founded on egalitarian values and on the principles of hard work and "picking oneself up by the bootstraps" and attaining goals.

British royalty, which our Founding Fathers abhorred because of its opulent wealth and ruling stronghold over all its citizens who were called "subjects," was founded on the principles of "bloodlines" and inheriting power and superiority over those who were not fortunate enough to be part of the royal bloodline. In demanding a ride in the gold-plated chariot, Trump is rejecting the principles upon which the Revolutionary War was fought and approving the British system of bloodlines and monarchs, even though today the Queen is more a figurehead than a Head of State. To put it simply, Trump is sending the wrong message in riding with the Queen as an American Head of State. It is appropriate for the President to do this?

For all the aforementioned reasons, it would hardly seem so.


It seems particularly abhorrent for the President to be riding in a gold-plated carriage with the Queen of England when we have millions of Homeless people living in the streets and sleeping in front of stores and other businesses. It is not unreasonable to view Trump's royal buggy ride as a slap in the face to the homeless and unemployed in America. The unprecedented ride sends the message to the homeless, unemployed and "down and out" that they don't matter, or that they are quickly forgotten about when the President is offered something opulent and enticing. No, Donald, America is not about filet mignon and cabernet sauvignon.

It is about a burger, fries and Budweiser. "Joe six-pack" does not relate to gold carriages and palaces. And, whether you like it or not, you represent "Joe six-pack," not the Queen.

Problems at home

While in England prancing around like a spoiled, pampered prince waiting to inherit the throne, Trump will have a temporary respite from his problems at home, such as Senator Rand Paul's insistence that his attack on Syria was unconstitutional. Yes, Donald, when you return to America, the problems, the angry citizens, and those who are losing their health care will still be there. And "Joe six-pack" will be waiting too, and eyeing your next move. Make it a good one, Donald. The 2020 primaries are only three years away.