Lately, it seems as though Tina Fey/Sarah Palin was right. The view of Russia is as close as peering from her back door. Now, since it’s been pretty much established that Russian officials had a hand in meddling in the U.S. election, an investigation is in order for the sake of democracy. To make matters worse or even more curious, the president not only picked campaign associates who had Russian ties, but the constant wave of News regarding his business dealings is raising more than a few eyebrows and is causing wide concern about his possible conflicts of interest, especially when there is no tax reveal to prove otherwise.
Aside from the CIA, FBI and NSA launching investigations, below is a list of the congressional committees.
House and Senate intelligence committees
Republican Representative Devin Nunes, who played a big part in Trump’s transition, chairs the House intelligence committee. Critics worry he may be too close to the president to conduct a fair investigation. However, Democratic Representative Adam Schiff has been working alongside Nunes and the two seem to agree on getting to the bottom of things. On March 20th, the House panel will hold its first public hearing to include the much-anticipated testimony from FBI director James Comey.
The Senate intelligence committee is considered to be the most robust.
Although Chairman Richard Burr was a Trump supporter, he is not linked closely to commander-in-chief as Nunes. However, Senator Mark Warner, the Democratic Vice-Chairman, has expressed grave concerns about the committee’s independent probe after it was reported Burr aided the White House in disputing stories. The Senate intelligence committee will hold an open hearing regarding Russia’s attempts to influence campaigns on March 30th.
Senate and House judiciary committees
Senators Lindsey Graham and Sheldon Whitehouse oversee the Senate judiciary committee. Recognized for his persistence, Graham is often seen in the news making it known that he has asked the Justice Department and FBI for information supporting Donald’ Trump’s claims of wiretapping. This committee is also investigating Russia’s meddling in the election.
Chuck Grassley and Dianne Feinstein, from the Full judiciary committee, requested transcripts and documents of calls between Mike Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Attempts by Democrats on the House judiciary committee to the Justice Department to produce investigation records of possible ties between Trump or his campaign were blocked by panel Republicans. Chairman Bob Goodlatte, urges a continued investigation instead.
House oversight committee
Initially, Republican Chairman Jason Chaffetz resisted demands to investigate the Trump administration. But after Mike Flynn was forced to resign, he changed his tune and was among those who called for AG Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from Russian-related investigations since it was discovered Sessions also had contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.